
A federal district court in Nevada last week issued an interesting international environmental law decision that is worthy of note. The case is Consejo de Desarrollo Economico de Mexicali v. United States, 2006 WL 1875380, and is not available online. Quick facts: A canal known as the All-American Canal provides a route for the delivery of water from the Colorado...

I don't know whether Wikipedia is the way of the future, especially in the academic and public policy worlds (hence the tentativeness), but Peter Lattman's post last week about the evolution of Ken Lay's entry after his death (very incidentally) got me checking how international law fares in the collective effort. Not very well, it turns out. Although...

From July 15 to 17 the leaders of the Group of Eight will meet in St. Petersburg, Russia for the Group's yearly summit. The G-8 began in 1975 as the G-6—the U.S., the U.K, France, Italy, West Germany and Japan—the six largest market economies meeting in the midst of the economic turmoil of the 1970’s. The group became...

The NYT has a useful account of the brewing debate in Congress over how to respond to the Supreme Court's Hamdan decision. According to the article, Congress may spend the rest of the summer dealing with this. Here are some of the options: (1) A one-sentence statute repealing Hamdan's interpretation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, essentially completely restoring...

As was widely reported in the media, Khamis al-Obeidi, a defense attorney for Saddam and his half-brother Barzan Ibrahim, was murdered two weeks ago. Al-Obeidi is the third defense attorney to be killed during the trial. Human Rights Watch has released a statement regarding the need to protect defense counsel — current and future — appearing before the Iraqi High...

I noted last week that the special prosecutor investigating past government abuses in Mexico, Ignacio Carrillo Prieto, had finally succeeding in indicting former president Luis Echeverria on genocide charges. His success was short-lived: a judge dismissed the charges yesterday on the ground that they violated Mexico's statute of limitations for genocide. This latest setback for the special prosecutor is...

It’s no secret that the Bush Administration has little love for treaties, and I’d expect the Supreme Court’s recent pronouncements will do little to improve that outlook. Still, it’s worth recalling that the Bush Administration does not view all treaties as fatally flawed. There are a few (increasingly rare?) exceptions. For example, on Wednesday the United States and Switzerland became...

Volokh Conspiracy contributor David Kopel has a provocative op-ed in the WSJ($) today alleging that, despite their denials, the U.N.-sponsored Small Arms Conference really does want to ban all guns. The U.N. has long urged that firearms must never be transferred to "non-state actors" -- that is, entities which are neither governments nor government-approved. Only John Bolton's intransigence prevented the...

As best I can tell from a cursory read of the recent New York Court of Appeals same-sex marriage case of Hernandez v. Robles, there is no mention of comparative experiences in other countries. Save one. And it comes from Judge Kaye in dissent. Here it is: The State asserts an interest in maintaining uniformity with the marriage...

John Yoo has a predictably critical L.A. Times op-ed today on Hamdan. The piece trots out the Lincoln and FDR comparisons, and argues that the decision will “hamper the ability of future presidents to respond to emergencies.” The analysis is no more persuasive than previous defenses of the Administration’s anything-goes approach. It may be true that the...