National Security Law

Check out the following ad for the new Audi A6: You know you're in trouble when a German company is using the decaying state of America's infrastructure to sell cars.  Then again, when you think about it, the ad is actually kind of a Republican utopia: austerity and expensive, environment-destroying luxury goods all in one.  Why fix the roads when your...

Following Talisman Energy, the Fourth Circuit has now held in Aziz v. Alcolac, another ATS case, that the mens rea of aiding and abetting under the "law of nations" is intent, not knowledge.  That's plainly wrong, as I have pointed out before, so there is no point dwelling on the new decision.  But this paragraph deserves specific mention, because it...

Fantastic news: New York – A federal appeals court vacated an order Monday by a New York judge that barred an $18 billion judgment in Ecuador against Chevron Inc. for contaminating the Amazon. The three-judge panel of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals had previously expressed skepticism that a New York judge could wield jurisdiction outside...

One of the most remarkable aspects of how conservative U.S. scholars approach international law is their absolute certainty that the American position on extraordinarily difficult issues is always correct.  Consider, for example, Jack Goldsmith's articulation today of when the UN Charter permits the U.S. to use force in self-defense against non-state actors: If the president is authorized to use force against...

Peter Margulies (Roger Williams) responded to my blogging about criminal membership and al-Bahlul at Lawfare.  I wrote a response, which Lawfare's Bobby Chesney was kind enough to post for me.  Instead of reposting the lengthy exchange here, interested readers should check out the posts at Lawfare.  You can find Peter's original post here, and my response here.  Feel free to...

As I noted in my previous post, the CMCR's opinion in al-Bahlul repeatedly cites the Nuremberg-era crime of criminal membership in defense of its belief that material support for terrorism and conspiracy qualify as war crimes.  I continue to believe that the best counter-arguments to that idea are (1) that criminal membership was not a war crime at Nuremberg (the...

Even I thought the Court of Military Commission Review couldn't reach such an absurd conclusion.  I was wrong: The Government has made a “substantial showing" that the conduct alleged, including appellant’s (an AUEC’s) agreement with bin Laden and others to commit the object offenses, with knowledge of and intent to further the unlawful purposes of that agreement, and commission of the...

Where Gaddafi should be tried -- if and when he is captured -- has become quite the hot-button issue recently.  Personally, I'm with David Kaye: he should be tried by the ICC, but the trial should be held in Libya.  I'm also not opposed to Libya asserting its right under the ICC's complementarity regime to try Gaddafi domestically, although I'm...

Against my better judgment, I read the 11th Circuit's opinion in Mamani v. Berzain, the Bolivian ATS case.  I say against my better judgment because reading American judges on international law is kind of like listening to Kevin Costner play Robin Hood -- you vaguely recognize the referent, but it is still painful to the ear.  It's bad enough that...

The Globe & Mail has a blockbuster report today concerning China's willingness to supply weapons to Gaddafi's regime during the rebellion: China offered huge stockpiles of weapons to Colonel Moammar Gadhafi during the final months of his regime, according to papers that describe secret talks about shipments via Algeria and South Africa. Documents obtained by The Globe and Mail...

That's the most disturbing line from another invaluable WikiLeaks cable about Israel and the Palestinians.  As the cable makes clear, Israel is willing to use force -- of the non-lethal variety, fortunately -- to disrupt even completely peaceful protest against its policies: US government officials have been well aware of Israel's harsh methods of dealing with peaceful protests in the occupied...

A February 2010 cable from the US embassy in Tel Aviv to the State Department concerning a discussion with the IDF's Military Advocate General about the Palestinian Authority's request for the ICC to investigate Operation Cast Lead contains the following remarkable paragraph (emphasis added): Summary: IDF Military Advocate General Mandelblit updated the Ambassador on February 17 on the progress of investigations...