International Humanitarian Law

[Dr Anna Nadibaidze is a researcher for the European Research Council funded AutoNorms and AutoPractices projects based at the Center for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark] The United Nations Summit of the Future, held in New York in September 2024, resulted in the adoption of the Pact for the Future. Among many other issues, this pact lists as an action...

[Viola Santini is a PhD candidate in International and European Law at the University of Florence. She holds an MA in International Law from the Geneva Graduate Institute.] Photography, War and Death, a Close Relationship In recent times, social networks and media have been inundated with harrowing images: beheaded soldiers on the Ukrainian front, mutilated bodies and blindfolded prisoners of war in...

[Tamer Morris is a Senior Lecturer in international law at the University of Sydney] In early October, it was reported that Israeli authorities requested UNIFIL to relocate their position to the north of the Blue Line. On the 10 October the IDF directed attacks against UNIFIL personnel and installations, injuring two peacekeepers. On 14 October, UNIFIL reported that two IDF tanks have...

[Dr Ilaria Infante is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Law at the Department of Law, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”] Introduction Fullmetal Alchemist (original title Hagane no Renkinjutsushi) is a popular manga series by Japanese mangaka (the Japanese word for manga artist) Hiromu Arawaka, published in Japan between 2001 and 2010 and translated in several languages. It was also adapted in...

[Dr Aurel Sari is a Professor of Public International Law at the University of Exeter and Fellow at Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe] Last week, Dr Lucas Roorda published a thoughtful post on this site about the interpretation of Article 7(2) of Amended Protocol II to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (APII CCW). Amended Protocol II imposes certain restrictions on...

[Teresa Quadt is a PhD student at the University of Malta researching crimes against humanity in the context of migration. She works for the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre on universal jurisdiction cases and is a member of the expert commission on asylum at Amnesty International, Germany.] Since 2019, the Central Mediterranean migration route, including the transit through Libya, has been...

[Dr. Lucas Roorda is Assistant Professor of International and European Law at Utrecht University, and a researcher at the Utrecht Center for Accountability and Liability Law (UCALL)] It sounds like an operation straight out of a spy movie: intercepting a shipment of pagers destined for use by an armed group, rigging them with explosives and a mechanism for triggering these explosives...

[John Quigley is Professor Emeritus at Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University] The two Gaza genocide cases pending in the International Court of Justice bring into prominence a form of genocide that is not what constitutes the crime in the public mind, but that was very much on the minds of the drafters of the Genocide Convention. The outright...

[Professor Lena Salaymeh is a jurist and historian who teaches at the École Pratique des Hautes Études-PSL. She was previously Professor of Law at Tel Aviv University. She co-founded the Decolonial Comparative Law Program at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Private International Law in 2019 and co-directed it until 2023.] Horrifying images of children in Palestine and Lebanon murdered and...

[George Bisharat is an Emeritus Professor at the University of California College of the Law, San Francisco, and writes frequently on law and politics in the Middle East for both academic and general audiences. He is currently leading an international comparative research project examining the role of private violence in settler colonial societies.] Three cases related to Palestine have been before...

[Mohsen al Attar is Associate Dean of Learning & Teaching at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University as well as a Contributing Editor to Opinio Juris] Israel’s latest bombardment of Gaza—a fifth since its false disengagement in 2006—has once again exposed the catastrophic failures of international law in protecting the world’s most vulnerable from militarism and settler-colonialism. While purportedly targeting resistance, a dubious goal...