International Human Rights Law

(Welcome Instapundit readers, and thanks Glenn for the Instalanche!  Since you are likely already aware of the Freeman email, the discussion of a 'new liberal realism' is in the second half of the post.) OJ readers being very alert to the latest happenings in international politics, I imagine that folks are aware that Chas Freeman has withdrawn from consideration for a...

The UN Human Rights Council is holding its 10th session this month in Geneva.  The agenda and program of work are useful guides to the issues under discussion, and the open Council sessions are being aired at this webcast link.  (Tomorrow's session is an all-day plenary on the rights of the child.) All this transparency is a good thing.  And...

I'm here in Kigali for the next couple of weeks staying at the "Hotel Rwanda" aka Hotel des Milles Collines. It's a surreal experience sitting here overlooking the swimming pool of this four-star hotel where fifteen years ago manager Paul Rusesabagina sheltered 1,268 Tutsis from the Rwandan genocide. I spent much of the day yesterday at the Rwanda Genocide Memorial...

Everything you need to know about the majority's dismissive attitude toward the Prosecution's evidence of genocide is contained in this paragraph: 179. In relation to the alleged insufficient resources allocated by the GoS to ensure adequate conditions of life in IDP Camps in Darfur, the Majority considers that the Prosecution's allegation is vague in light of the fact that, in addition...

Having now read the decision on the arrest warrant, I am more convinced than ever that the majority completely misunderstands Article 58's "reasonable grounds" requirement.  The rationale for the majority's argument that there are no reasonable grounds to believe Bashir is responsible for genocide comes in paras. 158 and 159, concerning the Prosecution's proof of the Sudanese government's genocidal intent...

In what proved to be the worst kept secret in the world, the Pre-Trial Chamber (PTC) has decided to issue a warrant for Bashir's arrest on the war crimes and crimes against humanity charges, but not on the genocide charges.  More substantive analysis will have to await an explanation of the PTC's reasoning.  For now, a couple of quick thoughts. To...

My friend Sonya Sceats at Chatham House has asked me to announce the following event: International Law Discussion Group Monday 23 March 2009 17:30 to 19:00 Location: Chatham House, London Speakers include: Judge Bernard Ngoepe, African Court on Human and Peoples Rights; Sanji Monageng, Chairperson of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights; Nobuntu Mbelle, representative of civil society Chair: Lord Steyn Against the backdrop of human tragedies...

Yesterday, the U.S. State Department released the 2008 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices -- colloquially referred to as the Annual Human Rights Report.  As a matter of law, it is a report by the State Department to the United States Congress.  The mandate grew from a requirement of congressional review of foreign assistance to a more comprehensive summary of...

The Sixth Circuit last week rendered an important amended opinion in O'Bryan v. Holy See addressing the question of whether the Holy See could be sued for its role in the clergy sexual abuse scandal. The decision is fascinating and should be quite controversial. As an initial matter it is worth pondering the essential conclusion of the Court: every...

A few months ago, I mentioned in the comments to my now-infamous grape soda post that although I have no ethical qualms about advising Dr. Karadzic, I would not have defended Hitler if he had lived to see the inside of an Allied courtroom. That statement led to a number of pointed -- and understandable -- criticisms, such as this...

My apologies for the light posting lately.  Getting settled in Melbourne -- and preparing to teach Australian criminal law -- has been very time consuming.  My new email address is  Feel free to write! I'll be back to posting regularly soon.  In case you just can't wait that long -- hi, mom! -- here is a link to an hour-long...