
[Diego Garcia-Sayán is the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers as of December 2016. Mr. García-Sayán was a judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for two consecutive terms. He has broad experience working for multilateral organizations such as the UN and the OAS.] As is well known, several international instruments recognize the basic human right to gender equality, the prohibition...

[Angela Mudukuti is a member of Opinio Juris and a human rights lawyer who specialises in international criminal law. She has worked with a variety of international institutions and organsisations including the International Criminal Court and Human Rights Watch.] Yes, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has a “Boys Club” problem. Whilst the ICC is but one part of the international criminal justice landscape, the severe and unsustainable gender...

[Laura França Pereira is an associate in the Washington, DC office of Three Crowns specialising in international commercial and investor-State arbitration, with an active pro bono practice focused on the defence of human rights. Laura holds an LLM from Harvard Law School and an LLB from University of São Paulo (First in Class).Raymundo Treves is an associate in the Paris...

[Priya Pillai is a lawyer and international law specialist. She has worked at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) headquarters in Geneva, at the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and with various civil society organizations on implementation of international law.] This is an opportune moment to examine the representation of women (in an inclusive sense) in expert bodies or institutions....

[Diego Ruiz Gayol is a Mexican diplomat. Until August 2021 he was a delegate of Mexico to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. He was one of the delegates in charge of drafting the Human Rights Council resolution on “Elimination of discrimination against women and girls”.] All States have agreed that gender equality is one of the pressing global...

[Jarpa Dawuni is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Howard University, Washington D.C. She is a qualified Barrister-at-Law before the Superior Courts of Ghana. She holds a Doctorate in Political Science from Georgia State University.] On October 20, 2020, the Institute for African Women in Law (IAWL) convened a regional high-level consultative meeting of experts, in conjunction with the Gender...

[Claudia Martin is Co-Director of the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and founding member and member of the Secretariat of GQUAL. Thanks are due to Sara Luzzatto for her editorial assistance for this blog.] One of the pillars of the GQUAL Campaign has been to assert that women’s equal representation in the composition of international courts and organs is anchored on the...

[Marcia V. J. Kran is a Member of the UN Human Rights Committee (2017 - 2024) from Canada, and a former director at the UN Human Rights Office in Geneva and the UN Development Programme Regional Centres in Bangkok and Bratislava. She has worked on development and human rights in over 40 countries. Thanks are due to Ms. Bhavya Mahajan...

[Elizabeth Odio Benito is President of the Inter-American Court, a former judge on the International Criminal Court and on the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.] As I look back on my journey as an international judge, I recall a specific moment when I was asked to chair a so-called ‘Court of Conscience’ in the midst of the World Conference on Human...

[Elizabeth Salmón is Executive Director of the Institute of Democracy and Human Rights and Senior Lecturer in International Law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. She is also a member of the Advisory Committee of the UN Human Rights Council.] In its 47th Session (21 June-9 July 2021), the Human Rights Council (HRC) officially received the report on Current levels...

[Maria Noel Leoni is member of the GQUAL Secretariat, Senior Adviser at the Center for Justice and International Law and Regional Manager for Latin America at the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre. Alejandra Vicente is member of the GQUAL Secretariat and Head of Law at REDRESS. Agatha Ciancaglini is Advocacy and Research Assistant at GQUAL and Lawyer at the...

[Laetitia van den Assum is a diplomatic expert who has served as Netherlands ambassador on four continents. She was also a member of the Rakhine Advisory Commission, chaired by the late Kofi Annan.] Dedicated to the memory of Rohingya leader and activist Mohib Ullah who was brutally assassinated in Bangladesh on 29 September 2021. Background Four years ago, 750,000 Rohingya from Myanmar fled to...