
[Trésor Muhindo Makunya is an Associate Professor of Constitutional and International Human Rights Law in Africa at the University of Goma] Article 19: All peoples shall be equal; they shall enjoy the same respect and shall have the same rights. Nothing shall justify the domination of a people by another’. Article 20(3): ‘All peoples shall have the right to the assistance...

Wale ni sisi: Na sisi ni wale: This Swahili phrase means "They are us: and we are them." It has been borrowed from Katama Mkangi, ‘Walenisi’ (1995). [Dr. David Ngira is an African who lives in Kenya. The views are his own and do not represent those of any organization or entity.] Introduction The Global North’s imperialism has significantly shaped the development of...

[Elvis Mogesa Ongiri is the Managing Editor at the Kabarak Law Review and an Editorial Assistant at the Kabarak University Press. He is also an early career researcher interested in African approaches to international law.] In a world where information is power, African national mainstream media plays an important role in informing and shaping perceptions of the African public. By shaping public consent and...

[Rugenge wa Nciko is an LLB student at Kabarak University Law School, a Kabarak Legal Aid Clinic (CLACLE) board member and a Trainee Editor at the Kabarak Law Review. He was born in the war-torn Eastern DRC and a citizen of DRC and interested in contributing to addressing the human rights and humanitarian situation in his country, across Africa.] International law...

[Mariam Hiba Malik is an international lawyer and LL.M. in International Law Candidate at the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, specialising in the Protection of the Individual in International law] The recent ICJ Advisory Opinion on the illegality of Israel’s occupation in Palestine underscores the international community's recognition of systemic injustices and the urgency for enforcing existing legal...

[David Arita is a finalist LLB student at Kabarak University and former Peer-Review Editor of the Kabarak Law Review, an Afrocentric law review.] European colonial powers used pseudo-scientific racial underpinnings to justify their conquest and the exploitation of African lands and peoples. This racial ideology served multiple purposes including providing a moral justification for colonisation, facilitating the exploitation of African labour,...

[Mohsen al Attar is Associate Dean of Learning & Teaching at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University as well as a Contributing Editor to Opinio Juris. Nciko wa Nciko is an Amnesty International Climate Justice Advisor in East and Southern Africa and its lead advisor on human rights in Madagascar.] African peoples and states have long stood in solidarity with the liberation struggle of Palestinians....

[Kateryna Busol is a Ukrainian lawyer and an Associate Professor at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy] This post forms part of the Opinio Juris Symposium on Reproductive Violence in International Law, in which diverse authors reflect on how the International Criminal Court and other jurisdictions have responded to violations of reproductive health and reproductive autonomy. The symposium complements a one-day...

[Wai Wai Nu, originally from Myanmar, is the Founder and Executive Director of the Women’s Peace Network. Grant Shubin is a Senior Legal Advisor with the Global Justice Center.] This post forms part of the Opinio Juris Symposium on Reproductive Violence in International Law, in which diverse authors reflect on how the International Criminal Court and other jurisdictions have responded to...

[Boravin Tann is a researcher and lecturer at the Center for the Study of Humanitarian Law based at the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), Cambodia. Rosemary Grey is a Senior Lecturer at Sydney Law School, The University of Sydney.] This post forms part of the Opinio Juris Symposium on Reproductive Violence in International Law, in which diverse authors reflect...

[Judy Mionki is an International Criminal and Human Rights Lawyer. She has been part of defence teams at the International Criminal Court in the Kenya and the DRC situations. The views expressed in this posts are the author's own. This post summarises an upcoming journal article (forthcoming, Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2024).] This post forms part of the Opinio Juris...

[Valeria Babără works as Legal and Advocacy Officer with the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice, where she monitors and researches developments on the prosecution and adjudication of gender-based crimes, and contributes to legal publications including 'The Hague Principles on Sexual Violence' and 'Judicial Approaches to SGBC at the ICC'.] This post forms part of the Opinio Juris Symposium on Reproductive Violence in International...