
[Marta Bo is a Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Institute and an Associate Senior Researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).] [Jessica Dorsey is an Assistant Professor of International and European Law at Utrecht University and Managing Editor of Opinio Juris.] Against the backdrop of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, noted as the most destructive in a century, and...

[Dr. Lauren Sanders is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland and a legal practitioner. She served in the Australian Army for several decades as a Signals Officer and Legal Officer.  This article represents the author’s personal views and does not reflect those of the Australian Defence Force or Australian Government.] Many States and regional and international organisations have espoused...

[Dr Guangyu Qiao-Franco is an Assistant Professor of International Relations at Radboud University and a Senior Researcher of the ERC funded AutoNorms Project at the University of Southern Denmark. ] [Mahmoud Javadi serves as an AI Governance Researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam in The Netherlands. In this capacity, he plays a role in an EU-funded research consortium titled ‘Reignite Multilateralism via...

[Tsvetelina van Benthem is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict, lecturer in international law for the Oxford University Diplomatic Studies Programme and senior legal adviser at The Reckoning Project. She is a member of the core team of the Oxford Process on International Law Protections in Cyberspace, and regularly advises states and...

[Lieutenant General John (Jack) N.T. Shanahan retired from the United States Air Force in 2020 after a 36-year military career. In his final assignment he served as the inaugural Director of the U.S. Department of Defense Joint Artificial Center. As the first Director of the Algorithmic Warfare Cross-Functional Team (Project Maven), he established and led DoD’s pathfinder AI fielding program...

[Lena Trabucco is a visiting research fellow at the Stockton Center for International Law at the US Naval War College and a fellow in the Technology, Law & Security program at American University Washington College of Law.] [Magda Pacholska is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow at the Asser Institute (The Hague), and a research fellow with the Tech, Law & Security...

[Dominique Dalla-Pozza is a Senior Lecturer at ANU College of Law who also teaches into the ANU National Security College. Tamsin Phillipa Paige is a Senior Lecturer with Deakin Law School and periodically consults for the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in relation to Maritime Crime.] In 2019 the television show Battlestar Galactica (BSG), as re-envisaged by Ronald D Moore and David...

[Matheus Gobbato Leichtweis is a PhD Candidate in International Law at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil.  He holds a Master’s Degree in Legal Studies at UFRGS and an LLM in Environmental Law at University of Dundee, UK.] Introduction The first ‘Third World superstar, Bob Marley rose to become one of the most important voices of resistance...

[Devina Srivastava is an international development practitioner and researcher, intrigued by the multifaceted interactions between humans, culture, society, and technology.] Picture a pristine, ethereal landscape, where the serenity of the snow-capped mountains meets the hustle and bustle of bustling local markets, a place synonymous with an untouched, heavenly beauty - this was the Kashmir etched in the hearts and minds of audiences through...

[Alonso Gurmendi is a Lecturer in International Relations at King’s College London’s Department of War Studies and a Contributing Editor of Opinio Juris] It is easy to approach The Lord of the Rings as a simple black and white, “good guys vs. bad guys” story. In fact, in a now (in)famous 1956 review, Edmund Wilson complained that the series was “a...