
[Milena Sterio is The Charles R. Emrick Jr. – Calfee Halter & Griswold Professor of Law at the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law and Co-Coordinator for Global Justice Partnerships at the Public International Law and Policy Group.] It is my pleasure to contribute this guest post to the Opinio Juris symposium about Professor Jennifer Trahans’s recent book, Existing Legal Limits to Security Council Veto Power...

[Dire Tladi is a Professor of International Law, at the University of Pretoria, a member of UN International Law Commission and its Special Rapporteur on Peremptory Norms of General International Law (Jus Cogens).] I am grateful to Jennifer for inviting me to contribute to this symposium on her book Existing Limits to Security Council Veto Power in the Face of Atrocity Crimes. When...

[Charles C. Jalloh is a Professor of Law at Florida International University and Founding Editor, African Journal of  Legal Studies and African Journal of International Criminal Justice. He is a member of the International Law Commission. His latest book is The Legal Legacy of the Special Court for Sierra Leone (Cambridge, 2020).] It was a pleasure to have been invited to this...

[Jennifer Trahan is Clinical Professor and Director of the Concentration in International Law and Human Rights at the NYU Center for Global Affairs and author of Existing Legal Limits to Security Council Veto Power in the Face of Atrocity Crimes (CUP 2020), winner of the “2020 ABILA Book of the Year Award” by the American Branch of the International Law Association.] It is no secret...

This week, we have the pleasure of hosting an exciting discussion on Jennifer Trahan's award-winning book, Existing Legal Limits to Security Council Veto Power in the Face of Atrocity Crimes, published by Cambridge University Press. From the Publisher: In this book, the author outlines three independent bases for the existence of legal limits to the veto by UN Security Council permanent members...

[Anne Schintgen is currently the Head of the Europe Liaison Office of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict. She previously worked in New York as a Political Affairs Officer with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.  Photo © Anne Schintgen – OSRSG-CAAC Field Mission to Wau Shilluk South Sudan in August 2017 - Military use of a school ]  The...

[Annyssa Bellal is a Senior Research Fellow and Strategic Adviser on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) at the Geneva Academy of IHL and Human Rights and a Senior Lecturer in international law at Sciences Po, Paris, the University of Bern and the Geneva Academy. Pascal Bongard is the Head of the Policy and Legal Unit at Geneva Call.] In August 2015, Amnesty International...

[Ibrahim Salama is Chief of the Human Rights Treaties Branch at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), where he also leads the “Faith for Rights” programme. Previously he headed the UN secretariat for the preparatory process of the 2009 United Nations World Conference Against Racism (Durban Review Conference), was independent expert of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human...

[Ahmed Al-Dawoody is the legal adviser for Islamic law and jurisprudence at the ICRC. He also teaches at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland, a course on the Islamic law of armed conflict. Fiona Terry heads the ICRC’s Centre for Operational Research and Experience, which was created in the wake of the Roots...

[Katharine Fortin is an Assistant Professor at Utrecht University where she teaches international humanitarian law and international human rights. Katharine has written widely about the legal framework in non-international armed conflicts and she is the author of The Accountability of Armed Groups under Human Rights Law (Oxford University Press, 2017)] Most of the literature studying what makes actors comply with international humanitarian law (IHL) has had...

Over the coming week, along with Armed Groups and International Law, we are thrilled to co-host a symposium on Compliance in Armed Conflict: New Avenues to Generate Respect for Humanitarian Norms. Scholars and practitioners who will be weighing in include: Ezequiel Heffes and Ioana Cismas (co-organizers of the symposium), Emiliano Buis, Katharine Fortin, Hyeran Jo, Fiona Terry, Ahmed Al-Dawoody, Jonathan Zaragoza, Yolvi...