
[Andrea Bianchi is Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva; Moshe Hirsch is the Von Hofmannsthal Professor of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Co-director of the International Law Forum at the Hebrew University Law Faculty.] We are extremely grateful to the editors of Opinio Juris and Alexandra Hofer for hosting and...

[Sofia Stolk is a researcher at the Asser Institute (The Hague) and the University of Amsterdam.] Note: In the spirit of the edited volume, we decided to make the main comments of symposium coordinator, Alexandra Hofer, and the responses of the author partly visible in the text in order to uncover, at least partly, the invisible frame of the editing process....

[Dr. Adil Hasan Khan is a Senior Research Fellow with the Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness at the Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne.] Staying with habitus, in this section I want to develop upon the perceived shortcomings in Bourdieu’s project of producing a sociology of knowledge on account of his restrictive conceptualisation and formulation of this concept. This is relevant...

[Dr. Adil Hasan Khan is a Senior Research Fellow with the Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness at the Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne.] Introduction  Professor Akbar Rasulov has contributed a remarkably erudite and challenging chapter to the edited collection International Law’s Invisible Frames. In this chapter Rasulov further develops upon a fecund line of enquiry initiated by him in several earlier...

A Comment on Shiri Krebs’ chapter “The Invisible Frames Affecting Wartime Investigation: Legal Epistemology, Metaphors, and Cognitive Biases” [Emiliano J. Buis is a Professor of Public International Law at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and at the Central University of the Province of Buenos Aires (UNICEN), and researcher at the National Research Council for Science and Technology (CONICET)] Introduction Shiri...

Introduction to the Symposium on Andrea Bianchi and Moshe Hirsch (eds), International Law’s Invisible Frames: Social Cognition and Knowledge Production in International Legal Processes (OUP 2021) [Alexandra Hofer is an assistant professor in public international law at Utrecht University and affiliated researcher at the Ghent Rolin-Jaequemyns International Law Institute (GRILI)] In their thought-triggering project, Andrea Bianchi and Moshe Hirsch bring together sixteen chapters that, each in...

[Ankit Malhotra is reading Law at O.P. Jindal Global Law and has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in International Affairs. He is also the President of the Jindal Society of International Law.] Introduction On 27 February 1940 the Look magazine published “How Superman Would End the War”. The creators, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, co-creator of Superman, published a short story. In this story, Superman zooms off...

[Prachi Tadsare is a lawyer with the World Bank’s Legal Vice Presidency unit. All views and opinions expressed in the article are those of the author and do not reflect any views of the institution. The author also wants to thank Rashmi Dharia for her help in brainstorming on law and culture for this article, and Paige Casaly for her reviewing help.] The inspiration for...

[Sarah Zarmsky is a PhD Candidate with the Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex with a focus on human rights, international law, and new technologies. She received her LLM in Public International Law from Leiden University and her BA in Psychology from Brandeis University. Sarah has completed internships with the International Criminal Court, the International Bar Association, and the International Court of Justice....

[Neiha Lasharie is a Juris Doctor candidate at the University of Wisconsin Law School. She is a recent graduate of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. Her research interests include TWAIL, IHL, the international white slavery/human trafficking regime, and Islamic law and jurisprudence.] It is not so much that life imitates art. Life and art are necessarily discursive, in that life informs...

[Vivek Bhatt is an Assistant Professor of International Law at Utrecht University, a Fellow at the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) and the Montaigne Centre for Rule of Law and Administration of Justice, and a Member of the Essex Human Rights Centre.] Introduction  Some of the most widely seen photographs from the war on terror show US soldiers at Guantanamo Bay standing over prisoners who...