
[Ezéchiel Amani Cirimwami is a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law. He holds a joint PhD in International Criminal Law from the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain) and the Free University of Brussels (VUB).] The author attended the Ljubljana Diplomatic Conference as a DRC delegate and was elected by the Conference as a member of the...

[Bruno Biazatti is a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law and a PhD candidate at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil.] The author attended the Ljubljana Diplomatic Conference and the observations contained here reflect his personal notes taken during the negotiations. The Ljubljana – The Hague Convention on International Cooperation in the...

[Pamela Capizzi is the Head of Pool of Legal Expertise at TRIAL International. Hugo Relva is Legal Adviser for Amnesty International (International Secretariat) at the International Justice Team.] Pamela and Hugo participated in the negotiations of the Ljubljana-The Hague Convention in May 2023 on behalf of TRIAL International and Amnesty International, respectively. On 26 May 2023, the Ljubljana-The Hague Convention on International Cooperation in the...

[Raquel Saavedra is an international human rights attorney specializing in accountability for atrocity crimes and currently serves as an International Legal Adviser for the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in the Asia-Pacific region.  Lina Baddour is an attorney specializing in international criminal and human rights law and policy. She represents clients in international proceedings and serves as a Senior Legal Advisor (consultant)...

[Vaios Koutroulis is a Professor of Public International Law at the Faculty of Law and Criminology, Université libre de Bruxelles] Vaios Koutroulis was a member of the Belgian delegation participating in the negotiations of the Convention and acted as the coordinator of working group 1 at the Ljubljana conference, where the Convention was negotiated and adopted. The views in this post...

[Priya Pillai is an international lawyer, heads the Asia Justice Coalition secretariat and is a contributing editor at Opinio Juris.] She participated in the MLAT negotiations in Ljubljana, Slovenia on behalf of the Asia Justice Coalition. All views are personal. On 26 May 2023, the Ljubljana – The Hague Convention on International Cooperation in the Investigation and Prosecution of the Crime of Genocide,...

[Dr Christine Schwöbel-Patel is Reader at Warwick Law School and Co-Director of the Centre for Critical Legal Studies; she is currently based at the Humboldt University in Berlin as an Alexander von Humboldt fellow.] Dear Asad, Filip, and Mark, I’ll begin this letter, as so many letters begin, by apologising for its tardiness. Since you Mark and Asad sent your responses, many months...

[Filip Strandberg Hassellind is a doctoral candidate in International Law at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.] In Marketing Global Justice: The Political Economy of International Criminal Law, Christine Schwöbel-Patel argues that “a global elite benefit from marketized global justice whilst those who tend to be the ‘faces’ of global injustice – particularly victims of conflict – are instrumentalized and ultimately commodified” [p. i]. The book directs...

[Dr Asad Kiyani is an Assistant Professor at the University of Victoria Faculty of Law (Canada), and a recipient of the Antonio Cassese Prize for International Criminal Law Studies, as well as the Hessel Yntema Prize for Comparative Law.] Introduction In her intriguing analysis of the marketization of global justice, Christine Schwöbel-Patel offers an expansive examination of how international criminal law reinforces the existing international...

[Mark A. Drumbl is Class of 1975 Alumni Professor of Law and Director, Transnational Law Institute, Washington and Lee University.] Dear Christine, I really liked engaging with your fabulous book, Marketing Global Justice. It’s cleverly edgy and full of insights. You unwind international criminal justice as a transnational business venture. As with all commodity trading and product hawking, well, advertising is indeed key. I was reading...

[Sergey Sayapin is Professor at KIMEP University´s School of Law (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Rustam Atadjanov is Associate Professor and Associate Dean at KIMEP University´s School of Law (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Nicolás Zambrana-Tevar is Associate Professor at KIMEP University´s School of Law (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Noëlle Quénivet is Professor at Bristol Law School, University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom. Gerhard Kemp is Professor at Derby...

[Dr. Karen Hulme is Professor at Essex Law School.] As conceptualised by the editors and authors, threats to international peace and security are numerous and not necessarily military in nature. In relation to the environment, there is a clear cycle of conflict demonstrated by the exploitation of, and damage to, the natural environment caused in conflict. The environmental peacebuilding agenda, for...