
[Aphiwan Natasha King (@A_N_King) is an international lawyer and future pupil barrister at 4 Pump Court. Any views expressed or implied in this article are those of the author alone.] Recent years have seen an increase in initiatives designed to improve equality and diversity in international arbitral proceedings. Unfortunately, statistics on diversity in arbitral appointments remain dismal, with women comprising only...

[Luke Moffett is a law reader at Queen’s University Belfast and Principal Investigator on the “Reparations, Responsibility and Victimhood in Transitional Societies” project.] Over the past month it seems like the international status quo has been turned upside down as Russian tanks rolled over the border into Ukraine. There has been a resounding condemnation of Russia’s aggression and disquiet that the UN...

[Katarzyna Ważyńska-Finck recently defended a PhD on sexual and reproductive rights of children and adolescent and is lecturer in human rights and comparative law at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Francois Finck holds a PhD in international law and is a policy officer responsible for International and European affairs at Centre d’Action Laïque.] The authors have previously published on this topic...

[Marc Weller is Professor of International Law and International Constitutional Studies in the University of Cambridge, the former Director of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law and of the European Centre for Minority Issues, a former United Nations Senior Mediation Expert and a Barrister (Middle Temple) at Doughty Street Chambers. He served as advisor in a large number of international...

[Owiso Owiso is a Lecturer in Public International Law at the University of Groningen.] Introduction Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine commenced in February 2022, there have been increased calls for criminal accountability for crimes allegedly (being) committed in the context of the invasion. Following Ukraine’s declarations of February 2014 and February 2015 accepting the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and...

[Dr Pavel Doubek is a postdoctoral researcher at Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. He publishes in the field of International Law and Human Rights.] In the face of unprecedented aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and the civilian population, calls are getting stronger for the international community to impose a no-fly zone over the Ukraine territory and adopt other necessary...

[Brianna Dyer is an Advanced LL.M. Candidate in Public International Law at Leiden University. She has a B.A. in Human Rights and Global Studies with a concentration on Peace, War, and Conflict in Europe from the University of Connecticut. She is currently Assistant Editor at Leiden Journal of International Law and Legal Researcher for the IHL Clinic within the Kalshoven-Gieskes...

[Alexander Gilder (@DrAlexGilder) is Lecturer in International Law and Security and Deputy Director of Global Law at Reading at the University of Reading.] In my first post I introduced you to various aspects of academia in the UK, including the types of positions and the Research Excellence Framework, as well as suggestions for how to lay the groundwork to be competitive in the job...

[Wai Wai Nu is a human rights and democracy activist, a former political prisoner, and the founder and executive director of the Women’s Peace Network in Myanmar. She is currently a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Human Rights Center, UC Berkeley School of Law.] On February 28, hearings concluded at The Hague in the genocide case against Myanmar after four days of arguments on whether the International Court...

[Alexander Gilder (@DrAlexGilder) is Lecturer in International Law and Security and Deputy Director of Global Law at Reading at the University of Reading.] The pathways for early career researchers (ECRs) to enter an academic career can look very different depending on the jurisdiction in which you are based. International law academia results in individuals moving to institutions around the world but it can be hard...

[Ahmed Abofoul is a Legal Researcher and Advocacy Officer at Al-Haq’s International Legal Research and Advocacy Department.] Introduction 2021 was an exceptionally difficult year for the Palestinians on both sides of the green line, where Israel’s oppressive practices intensified to unprecedented levels. It was the deadliest year for Palestinian children since 2014. Throughout 2021, Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) –...