
[Christine Bell is Director of PeaceRep (Peace and Conflict Resolution Evidence Platform), Assistant Principal (Global Justice) and Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Edinburgh. The opinions expressed herein are the author’s own. Thanks are due to the PeaceRep programme funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, for support to write the piece.] Introduction: Need for a Geopolitical Dimension to Settlement This contribution...

Call for Papers Robert Cryer - A Life in Law and a Law unto Himself: We greatly miss Professor Rob Cryer, who passed away in 2021 at the age of forty-six. We aim to channel this loss, those missings, into an event, and a book, that celebrates his oeuvre, research, mentorship, teaching, insights, idiosyncrasy, laughter, vim, and wit. We plan an eclectic...

Said Benarbia is the director of Middle East and North Africa Programme at the International Commission of Jurists Until 29 September 2019, Alaa Abdelfattah, a prominent Egyptian human rights defender, reported to the Dokki police station in Cairo every day at 6 pm. He would spend 12 hours in a windowless office. He would sleep on a chair or the floor....

Until this summer, Brigid Laffan was director and professor at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies and director of the Global Governance Programme at the European University Institute (EUI), Florence, where she has worked since 20‌13. In 20‌18, Politico ranked Laffan, a long time professor of political science who grew up in Ireland, among the women who shape Europe....

[Stephen A. Lamony is an International Lawyer.] Introduction The aftermath of Dominic Ongwen's case, from his conviction to his sentence to his defense counsel's certain appeal, presents clear challenges for clans and communities in northern Uganda. In February 2021, the International Criminal Court's (ICC) Public Information and Outreach Section (PIOS) published an impact report on the Ongwen verdict. Among other concerns raised in the report typical...

[Carlos Lusverti and Rocío Quintero M are both Legal Advisers for the International Commission of Jurists] The Venezuelan educational system has been in rapid decline. In 2016, in the midst of a wider national humanitarian crisis, teachers started leaving school due to a drastic decrease in teachers' wages. There was also a significant augment in the student dropout rate. Compounding these...

Announcements Online Event - "Minimalism vs. Maximalism in the ECHR": We are pleased to announce an online panel “Minimalism vs. Maximalism? Challenges and Future Directions in the Interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights” on 8 June, 4 pm CET. How does, and how should, the European Court of Human Rights interpret and apply the rights protected under the European Convention on Human...

[Jed Odermatt is Lecturer at the City Law School, City, University of London, where he is co-convenor of the International Law and Affairs Group (ILAG) and member of the Institute for the Study of European Law (ISEL). The opinions expressed herein are the author’s alone.] The Russian Federation has demanded that Ukraine should renounce potential NATO membership. Early on in the...

[Dr Emma J Marchant is a lecturer in international criminal law at the University of Birmingham, UK having completed her doctorate on intelligence standards during targeting and the impact of technology. She researches international humanitarian law specifically surrounding intelligence and information during conflict.] Introduction In recent days there has been increasing focus on intelligence sharing arrangements with Ukraine. The legal question that...

[Oleksandr Vodiannikov, PhD, LLM, is a member of Ukraine’s Law Reform Commission and previously served as a member of Ukraine’s Judicial Reform Council and of the Constitutional Commission.] The cost of war for the Ukrainian economy, infrastructure, and the population is spiraling every day as the ensuing devastation grinds on. The bill to be paid for the reconstruction of Ukraine's shattered...