
[Megan Karlshøj-Pedersen is a Policy Specialist at Airwars, working across the U.K., U.S., the Netherlands and other European countries. Jessica Dorsey is an Assistant Professor of International and European Law at Utrecht University and the Managing Editor of Opinio Juris. Both authors are part of the civil society and academic consortium advising the Dutch Ministry of Defence described in this...

[Megan Karlshøj-Pedersen is a Policy Specialist at Airwars, working across the U.K., U.S., the Netherlands and other European countries. Jessica Dorsey is an Assistant Professor of International and European Law at Utrecht University and the Managing Editor of Opinio Juris. Both authors are part of the civil society and academic consortium advising the Dutch Ministry of Defence described in this...

[Ignacio Portela Giráldez is a Ph.D. student researching novel climate litigation pathways under the UN Convention on the Law of The Sea. He is a teacher of International and Political Studies at the University of New South Wales (Canberra) and lecturer in International Environmental Protection at the Open University of Catalonia.] The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has finally ruled...

[Raelee Toh is an undergraduate law student at the Singapore Management University Yong Pung How School of Law] Introduction   Although there are several conceptions of the clean hands doctrine (for example, ex turpi causa (“an action cannot arise from a dishonourable cause”), ex injuria jus non oritur (“illegal acts do not create law”) and ex delicto non orituractio (“an unlawful act...

[Eduardo Cavalcanti de Mello Filho is a Research Associate (Ocean Law and Policy) at the Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore] The Context Between 22 November and 4 December 2023, Greenpeace launched high seas protests against the Danish-flagged MV Coco, involved in deep seabed exploration and operated by Nauru Ocean Resources Inc (NORI). Sponsored by Nauru, NORI was exercising its...

[Peter Splinter is currently an independent consultant working on the relationships between human rights and environmental protection. He has previously represented Amnesty International at the United Nations in Geneva and worked with the Canadian foreign and justice ministries as a diplomat and legal counsel.] With reference to the recent authorisation of the exploitation of the Rosebank oil and gas field by...

[Philip D. Cave is a retired U.S. Navy judge advocate, a Director of the National Institute of Military Justice (NIMJ), and a partner in Cave & Freeburg, LLP. Franklin D. Rosenblatt is a retired U.S. Army judge advocate, President of the NIMJ, and Associate Professor at Mississippi College School of Law. Giovanni Chiarini is a Lecturer at the University of Huddersfield, an...

[Johanna Trittenbach is a PhD Candidate at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies at Leiden University.  Jessica Dorsey is an Assistant Professor of International Law at Utrecht University and Otto Spijkers is a Lecturer of International Law at Amsterdam and Leiden University College (AUC and LUC).] Introduction On 12 February 2024, the Court of Appeal in The Hague ordered the Netherlands...

[Mischa Gureghian Hall (X: @MischaGHall) is a Keck Research Fellow at the University of California, Los Angeles, researching international criminal justice and its intersections with international humanitarian and human rights law in conflict and post-conflict settings.] The author is grateful to Dr. Jared McBride for his assistance in the translation of Ukrainian documents. In an August 2023 essay, Russian-American journalist and activist Masha...

[Otto Spijkers is Assistant Professor in the field of constitutional and administrative law at Erasmus School of Law, and lecturer of international and European law at Leiden University College, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs of Leiden University.] You can find Part I of this post here. In this post, I explain why the Netherlands fails to comply with its “duty to...

[Otto Spijkers is Assistant Professor in the field of constitutional and administrative law at Erasmus School of Law, and lecturer of international and European law at Leiden University College, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs of Leiden University.] The State of the Netherlands is not obliged to stop the supply of F35 fighter plane parts to Israel. This follows from a...

[Dobrin Dobrev is a recent graduate from Utrecht University’s master’s program in International Law from the Conflict and Security track] Introduction Commercial shipping in the Black Sea has encountered restrictions ever since the full-scale invasion by Russia towards Ukraine began. One of the issues revolves around the rising number of sea-mines in the Black Sea, which are negatively impacting not only the belligerents...