
[Emma Charlene Lubaale is a Ugandan Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Greenwich in London, and a non-resident Research Professor at Rhodes University’s Faculty of Law in South Africa. Some of her recent publications focus on National accountability for international crimes in Africa and the intersection of gender and criminal justice in Africa.] Introduction  Thomas Kwoyelo was a mid-level commander...

[Philippe Mawuli Kokou Plagbe is a human rights lawyer and civil society actor from Togo. He is a Fulbright Scholar and recently completed a fellowship at Amnesty International as an International Justice Fellow in Africa (2023-2024). Oumou Salamata Bah has been a member of the Guinean Coalition for the ICC since 2018.] On July 31, 2024, the trial of the 2009 massacre in Guinea...

[Jake Okechukwu Effoduh is an Assistant Professor at the Lincoln Alexander School of Law of Toronto Metropolitan University, where he teaches Critical Approaches to Data, Algorithm and Science in the Law. He has been an international human rights lawyer for fourteen years.] Introduction The pace at which Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the face of almost every human activity cannot be ignored or...

[Sanjana Ragu is an Bachelor of Laws graduate from Strathmore University and currrenly works as a trainee lawyer at Anjarwalla & Khanna] Be it Palestine in the East, or Sudan in the South, in the chessboard of global politics and economy, the suffering of the Global South is often a pawn, sacrificed for strategic advantage. This wretched reality becomes apparent once...

[Dr Cristiano d'Orsi is a Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow at the Faculty of Law, University of Johannesburg and Senior Consultant in AFRICAN Refugee Law at Witness Experts in London] Mandela and his First Struggles with the ANC Nelson Mandela’s birth coincided with the beginning of British rule in Palestine (1918) and what has been called the Third Aliyah, another wave of...

[Lazola Nomkala holds Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws degrees from the University of the Western Cape (UWC)] On 19 July 2024, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that the Israeli occupation in Palestine was illegal. Despite the disputed nature of Israel’s origins, the occupation formally began in 1967. What followed was the violent dispossession of Palestinians achieved via...

[Madhav Mallya is an independent legal researcher based in Toronto. He is a former associate professor at the Jindal Global Law School.] In Van Pezold v Zimbabwe, an investor-state arbitration tribunal ruled that Zimbabwe’s compulsory land redistribution scheme—intended to acquire land from white settlers without compensation and redistribute amongst the native population—violated the international law on the prohibition of racial discrimination,...

[Trésor Muhindo Makunya is an Associate Professor of Constitutional and International Human Rights Law in Africa at the University of Goma] Article 19: All peoples shall be equal; they shall enjoy the same respect and shall have the same rights. Nothing shall justify the domination of a people by another’. Article 20(3): ‘All peoples shall have the right to the assistance...

Wale ni sisi: Na sisi ni wale: This Swahili phrase means "They are us: and we are them." It has been borrowed from Katama Mkangi, ‘Walenisi’ (1995). [Dr. David Ngira is an African who lives in Kenya. The views are his own and do not represent those of any organization or entity.] Introduction The Global North’s imperialism has significantly shaped the development of...

[Rosemary Grey is a Senior Lecturer at Sydney Law School, The University of Sydney. Valerie Oosterveld is Western Research Chair in International Criminal Justice and Professor at the Faculty of Law, Western University (Canada). While she serves as Special Adviser to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on Crimes Against Humanity, this post was written in her personal capacity, and she was...

[Rosemary Grey is a Senior Lecturer at Sydney Law School, The University of Sydney. Valerie Oosterveld is Western Research Chair in International Criminal Justice and Professor at the Faculty of Law, Western University (Canada). While she serves as Special Adviser to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on Crimes Against Humanity, this post was written in her personal capacity, and she was...

[Elvis Mogesa Ongiri is the Managing Editor at the Kabarak Law Review and an Editorial Assistant at the Kabarak University Press. He is also an early career researcher interested in African approaches to international law.] In a world where information is power, African national mainstream media plays an important role in informing and shaping perceptions of the African public. By shaping public consent and...