
Calls for Papers The 2012 Critical Legal Conference takes place in Stockholm between September 14-16, 2012. Paper proposals on International Law, Genocide and Imperialism: The Colonial Origins of Human Rights? are due on 15 June 2012. The American Society of International Law has issued a call for papers for its 107th Annual Meeting in April 2013. Proposals need to be submitted online by June 22, 2012. Upcoming...

Calls for Papers The University of Seville Faculty of Law and COST Action are hosting a conference in Sevilla, Spain, October 26-27, 2012 entitled: Standard of Review in International Courts and Tribunals Rethinking the Fragmentation and Constitutionalization of International Law. The call for papers can be found here. Abstract submissions of 250-500 words are due June 15. The AALS section on International...

Calls for Papers If you want to participate in panels on R2P and on intervention in Africa at next April's International Studies Association's conference, a call for papers is closing tomorrow. The Minerva Center for Human Rights at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is organizing The 2nd Annual Minerva Jerusalem Conference on Transitional Justice entitled "Transitions In/To Democracy: Contemporary Chances and Challenges" on October...

Last week’s announcements can be found here. If you are organizing a conference or other event and would like to see the call for papers or the program announced on Opinio Juris, please contact us. Calls for Papers Applications for the Helsinki Summer Seminar on International Law (August 21-30, 2012 ) on International Law and Capitalism: Exploring the Legal Architecture of the Global Political Economy close...

This is the fourth installment of our new feature; last week’s announcements can be found here. If you are organizing a conference or other event and would like to see the call for papers or the program announced on Opinio Juris, please contact us. Calls for Papers: Transnational Dispute Management has issued a call for papers on "Aligning Human Rights and Investment Protection." Topics of...

Last month, I was scheduled to attend Cyber Dialogue 2012 - What is Stewardship in Cyberspace? at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs.  I was quite excited to attend given the line-up of participants with a truly diverse set of backgrounds and areas of expertise.  Unfortunately, despite nearly nine hours in the Philadelphia airport, I never made it...

Those of you who, like me, missed this year's Federalist Society Symposium on National Security can now watch all of the events on-line here.  The event was held April 5 in DC and included a morning panel on terrorist-related detentions, interrogations and trials, a lunchtime address by former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, and an afternoon panel on potential cybersecurity...

This is our second installment of this new feature, last week's announcements can be found here. Calls for Papers McGill University, Faculty of Law, has issued a call for papers for its conference "Stateless Law? The Future of the Discipline" on September 27-28, 2012. Proposals are due on April 16, 2012. More information is here. The Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law...

Opinio Juris is proud to bring you a new regular feature aggregating all calls for papers, conference and event announcements that we receive. If you are organizing a conference or other event and would like to see the call for papers or the program announced on Opinio Juris please contact us. Calls for Papers Panel proposals for the International Law Weekend 2012, to...