Calls for Papers

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to Calls for Papers Workshop on the Contribution of the United Nations War Crimes Commission to International Criminal Law: Last year, marked 80 years since the establishment of the United Nations War Crimes Commission (UNWCC) in London. To mark this occasion, the...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to  Calls for Papers Climate Change and Migration: New Challenges, Legal Responses, and Policy Solutions: The University of Nottingham's Human Rights Law Centre and Nottingham Trent University's Climate Justice Hub, along with the ICON•S Interest Group on Climate Change and Migration and the ESIL Interest Group on Migration...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to  Calls for Papers Call for Panel Proposals: ABILA ILW 2024: The American Branch of the International Law Association (ABILA) is pleased to invite panel proposals for International Law Weekend 2024 (ILW 2024)—the premier international law event of the fall season. ILW...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to  Calls for Papers An Abolition Movement for International Criminal Law?: Submissions are called for to participate in an upcoming workshop entitled ‘An Abolition Movement for International Criminal Law?’, to be held in person at RMIT University Melbourne and online, 27-28 June...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to  Calls for Papers Conference on Changing Approaches towards Restitution of Colonial Heritage, Leiden 23-24 May 2024: The Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies and the Research Group ‘Museums, Collections and Society’ at the University of Leiden invite submissions for an interdisciplinary...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to  Calls for Papers NLSIR Special Issue on Democracy Free Expression, and Press Freedom: The National Law School of India Review (NLSIR), the flagship student-edited law review of the National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru, is calling for original, unpublished submissions for Vol. 36(2),...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to  Featured Announcement BIICL Short Courses Spring 2024: Now Open for Booking! The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) has launched its programme of short courses for spring 2024. The programme will cover public international law, climate change law, international trade...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to  Calls for Papers The Legal Implications of the EU's Geopolitical Awakening (Workshop): The T.M.C. Asser Instituut's Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER) and Leiden University are inviting current PhD scholars and early career researchers to submit abstracts for a two-day...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to  Calls for Papers Nottingham International Criminal Justice Conference: The University of Nottingham School of Law, in partnership with the International Criminal Justice Unit of the University of Nottingham Human Rights Law Centre, is organising a conference on 8–9 July 2024 that...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to  Calls for Papers Recharacterising International Disputes: Exploring the Phenomenon of Multi-Fora Litigation: Maastricht University's Faculty of Law is organizing a conference on 12-13 June 2024 to explore the phenomena of recharacterisation, compartmentalisation, disaggregation, and reframing of legal disputes to fit within...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to  Calls for Papers Canadian Yearbook of International Law: The Canadian Yearbook of International Law (CYIL), Canada’s leading peer-reviewed international legal journal, invites submissions of articles, notes and comments, in English or in French, that advance critical thinking in all areas of public or...

Events and Announcements will resume on 7 January 2024. Happy holidays from Opinio Juris! ⛄️ Calls for Papers National Law School of India Review: The National Law School of India Review (NLSIR) is the flagship student-edited law review of the National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bengaluru. It is now in its 36th year and the oldest such law review in the Indian subcontinent. Volume 36(1)...