Calls for Papers

Call for Papers Cambridge International Law Journal: A Tribute to Judge James Crawford: The Editorial Board of the Cambridge International Law Journal is pleased to invite submissions for Volume 11 (issues to be published in June and December 2022). The Board welcomes long articles, short articles and case notes that engage with current themes in international law. In tribute to Judge James Crawford, who served as...

Events Conference on ‘International Criminal Law before Domestic Courts’: The University of Vienna in cooperation with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights are pleased to announce the international conference ‘International Criminal Law before Domestic Courts’ taking place in Vienna from 14 until 16 October 2021. The conference will be held in a hybrid form at the Law Faculty of the...

Call for Papers Business Human Rights Conference: The IFIM Law School is organising a Research Colloquium on the theme of 'Business and Human Rights', on 23 October 2021. Early career scholars, PhD candidates, post-graduate students and under- graduate students are encouraged to submit an abstract (300 words) of their works to by 25th August 2021. Selected abstracts will  be notified by...

Sponsored Announcement The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) provides training that combines world leading research with an applied perspective. Our courses are designed to enable legal practitioners, government officials, students, academics, and civil society organisations to gain expert insights and to deepen their knowledge in areas of international law. For autumn 2021, BIICL has expanded its programme of short courses to bring a...

Events International Nuremberg Principles Academy (Nuremberg Academy): The International Nuremberg Principles Academy (Nuremberg Academy) is pleased to announce that the registration for the Nuremberg Forum 2021 is now open. The forum will take place online on 15 and 16 October 2021. Dedicated to marking the 70th anniversary of the Nuremberg Principles, the conference will examine the Nuremberg Principles today. It will...

Call for Papers Australian Year Book of International Law: Honouring Judge James Crawford: Volume 40 of the Australian Year Book of International Law will be dedicated to the memory of the late H.E. Judge James Crawford AC SC FBA. In addition to a long and distinguished career as an academic, practitioner, arbitrator, and judge, James was a friend and mentor to many. We...

Call for Papers Call for Papers dedicated to the memory of Judge James Crawford: The Australian National University (ANU) is pleased to announce Volume 40 of the Australian Year Book of International Law (AYBIL), which will be dedicated to the memory of the late H.E. Judge James Crawford AC SC FBA. In addition to a long and distinguished career as an academic, practitioner,...

Announcements Academic conference on "International Justice: Looking to the Future": On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the International Justice Journal (Mezhdunarodnoe Pravosudie) on 23-24 September 2021, the School of International Law of the Higher School of Economics (Moscow) will host an international conference. The event is thought of as a platform for exchanging different views on the structured vision of the future of international courts and...

Events Women and the International Law Commission: The Minerva Law Network is pleased to announce an event on "Women and the International Law Commission" on 30 June from 11:00–12:00 CEST. This is an online webinar where the panelists, who comprise current and former women of the International Law Commission, will discuss their experiences in the Commission and their work on the...

Call for Papers Two-day international conference on secondary sanctions: On Thursday 2 and Friday 3 December 2021, the Ghent Rolin-Jaequemyns International Law Institute (GRILI) and the Utrecht Centre for Regulation and Enforcement in Europe (RENFORCE) will host a two-day international conference on secondary sanctions. The conference seeks to explore both the international legal framework governing such sanctions and the potential remedies to challenge them, as well as...

Summer School Al-Haq International Law Online Summer School Program: Al-Haq Center for Applied International Law is pleased to announce its Seventh International Law Summer School for professionals, legal researchers, post-graduates and academics in the fields of international law and human rights. The 2021 program will run entirely online through ten days from 31st May – 12th June 2021. The summer school aims to assist professionals...

Call for Papers Call for papers on “The Potential of Public Interest Litigation in International Law”: As there is growing interest in using international courts in the public interest, this project, funded by the University of Exeter and the University of Geneva, aims at analysing what challenges lie ahead and how to overcome them.  In order to tackle these questions, the organisers...