Author: The Editors of the Virginia Journal of International Law

The Virginia Journal of International Law (VJIL) is delighted to be partnering with Opinio Juris this week to host a series of discussions on recent scholarship published by VJIL. This week will feature articles from the third Issue of Volume 52 of the Journal. The complete Issue 52:3 can be downloaded here. On Tuesday, we begin our discussion an Article by Andrew K. Woods (Harvard Law School) – “Moral Judgments & International Crimes: The Disutility of Desert.” In this excellent Article, Professor Woods comprehensively examines the “utility of desert” theory and argues that there is reason to be skeptical about the theory’s application in the international context. Excellent commentary will be provided by Jens David Ohlin (Cornell Law School), Adil Ahmad Haque (Rutgers School of Law-Newark), and Jonathan Baron (University of Pennsylvania). On Wednesday, we continue with Alvaro Santos’s (Georgetown University Law Center) Article, “Carving Out Policy Autonomy for Developing Countries in the World Trade Organization: The Experience of Mexico & Brazil.” Santos contends that developing countries in the WTO can use strategies of lawyering and litigation to influence rule interpretation to advance their own interests. He uses the experience of Mexico and Brazil to illustrate the different strategies that have been employed and discusses the different results. Robert Howse (New York University School of Law) and Andrew Lang (London School of Economics and Political Science) will respond. Finally, on Thursday, Jason Webb Yackee (University of Wisconsin School of Law) will discuss his thought-provoking Essay, “Investment Treaties & Investor Corruption: An Emerging Defense for Host States?” Yackee brings attention to the recent trend by host nations of using investor corruption as a defense to liability in ICSID arbitration. In his Essay, Professor Yackee suggests a model framework for dealing with this new trend. Responding to his piece will be Jarrod Wong (Pacific-McGeorge School of Law). Andrea K. Bjorklund (UC-Davis School of Law) and Daniel Litwin (McGill University) will also offer a joint response.

The Virginia Journal of International Law (VJIL) is delighted to be partnering with Opinio Juris this week to host a series of discussions on recent scholarship published by VJIL. This week will feature articles from the first two Issues of Volume 52 of the Journal. The complete Issue 52:1 can be downloaded here. Issue 52:2 can be found here. On Monday, we begin our discussion an Article by I. Glenn Cohen (Harvard Law School) – “Medical Tourism, Access to Health Care, and Global Justice.” Cohen comprehensively examines the question of whether medical tourism reduces access to health care for the destination country’s poor and whether such deprivations trigger international legal obligations. Excellent commentary will be provided by Nathan Cortez (SMU Dedman School of Law), Colleen M. Flood and Y.Y. Brandon Chen (University of Toronto Faculty of Law), and Jeremy Snyder and Valorie A. Crooks (Simon Fraser University). On Tuesday, we continue with Stephan W. Schill’s (Max Planck Institute) Article, “Enhancing International Investment Law’s Legitimacy: Conceptual and Methodological Foundations of a New Public Law Approach.” Schill responds to the challenges international investment law poses for domestic public law values by suggesting that international investment law and investment treaty arbitration should be conceptualized as public law disciplines. He argues that investment treaties should be interpreted, investor-state disputes resolved, and system-internal reform proposed by recourse to public law thinking. Anthea Roberts (Visiting Professor at Harvard Law School and Lecturer in Law, Department of Law, London School of Economics and Political Science) and Jürgen Kurtz (Associate Professor, Melbourne Law School) will respond. On Wednesday, Gregory Shaffer (University of Minnesota School of Law) and Joel Trachtman (Fletcher School – Tufts University) will discuss their Article, “Interpretation and Institutional Choice at the WTO.” Shaffer and Trachtman develop a framework of comparative institutional analysis for assessing the implications of judicial interpretation at the World Trade Organization. Although the framework they develop focuses on the WTO, it also has relevance for understanding the interpretation of international and domestic legal texts from “law and economics” and “law and society” perspectives. Responding to their piece will be Rachel Brewster (Harvard Law School), Robert Howse (New York University School of Law), and Joost Pauwelyn (The Graduate Institute, Geneva).

The Virginia Journal of International Law is delighted to continue its partnership with Opinio Juris this week in this online symposium featuring three Articles recently published by VJIL in Vol. 50:3, available here. Today, Christopher M. Bruner, Associate Professor, Washington and Lee University School of Law, will discuss his Article Power and Purpose in the “Anglo-American” Corporation. In his Article, Professor...

The Virginia Journal of International Law is delighted to continue its partnership with Opinio Juris this week in this online symposium featuring three articles and an essay recently published by VJIL in Vol. 50:2, available here. Today, Sean Watts, Assistant Professor, Creighton University Law School, will discuss his Article Combatant Status and Computer Network Attack. Professor Watts's Article examines the...

The Virginia Journal of International Law is delighted to continue its partnership with Opinio Juris this week in this online symposium featuring three pieces recently published by VJIL in Vol. 50:1, available here. On Wednesday, Professor Alexander K.A. Greenawalt, Associate Professor of Law, Pace University School of Law, will discuss Complementarity in Crisis: Uganda, Alternative Justice, and the International Criminal Court....

The Virginia Journal of International Law is delighted to continue its partnership with Opinio Juris this week in this online symposium featuring three articles recently published by VJIL in Vol. 49:1, available here. On Tuesday, James Hathaway, Dean of the Melbourne Law School, will discuss his article, The Human Rights Quagmire of “Human Trafficking”. Dean Hathaway’s article takes...

The Virginia Journal of International Law will continue its partnership with Opinio Juris this week with an online symposium featuring three articles recently published in VJIL Vol. 48-4, available here. Our discussion on Tuesday will focus on the constitutional history of American empire at the turn of the twentieth century. In her article, “They say I am not an American…”: The...

The Virginia Journal of International Law is pleased to continue its partnership with Opinio Juris in this third online symposium. This week’s symposium will feature three articles recently published in Vol. 48-3 of VJIL, available here . Our discussion on Tuesday will focus on the mysterious history of Alexander Nahum Sack, the Russian-born legal scholar whose once obscure theory of...

Now in its forty-eighth year of publication, the Virginia Journal of International Law is pleased to continue its participation in the scholarly debate of international legal issues through a new partnership with Opinio Juris. By continuing this conversation online, VJIL remains committed to staying at the center of a dynamic and interactive field of international legal scholarship. From transboundary environmental...