Author: Roger Alford

Here are some of the slogans that were on display during the French student revolts of 1968: Nous ne voulons pas d'un monde où la certitude de ne pas mourir de faim s'échange contre le risque de mourir d'ennui. (We want nothing of a world in which the certainty of not dying from hunger comes in...

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has published a great study on the impact of trade liberalization on developing countries under different scenarios currently contemplated at the Doha Round of negotiations. The press release is here and the full text is here. The press release describes the study as follows:"As the global trade regime has expanded to include most developing...

There is a nice article in the New Republic on the memory of Milosevic by a former member of the ICTY prosecution team, Mark Vlasic. Here is an excerpt:There will be no mention today of Slobodan Lazarevic, the Serbian spy who testified that Milosevic used the war in Croatia as a way to divert Serbian attention from dissatisfaction over...

Read this article about Iranian women seeking gender equality in its simplest terms: at the football pitch. "The battle is for equal gender rights and opportunities, from all-encompassing issues to smaller ones such as the right to watch matches in a football stadium." When the women organized a campaign to watch the football match, they were escorted onto a bus,...

There is an interesting Pew Research poll published this week regarding the public's attitude regarding foreign investment, free trade, and the Dubai ports deal. While discussing the survey results, I want to weave comments from Richard Posner and Gary Becker into the discussion because I find their take to be an intellectual articulation of what appears to be...

I really like this short post by Nicholas Kristof on his blog. One of those rare instances in which a columnist of Kristof's stature forthrightly tells how he actually obtains the stories like the genocide in Sudan. I think many bloggers sometimes forget just how hard it is for real columnists like Kristof to do the heavy labor of primary research...

Nice article in the IHT by David Kaye on the impact of Milosevic's death on the reputation of the ICTY. "What's a trial without a verdict but a waste of time and money, which could have been better spent on rebuilding the Balkans? But it's not as easy as that. For all the trial's weaknesses, its lessons and legacy bear learning...

I have long criticized the deafening silence of the Arab world in the face of radical Islam. (See here and here). Where is the challenge to the extremism? Where is the Muslim moderation? Where is the voice of reason amidst the outrage and death threats? Thankfully, we are beginning to see some Arab moderates openly challenge radical Islam. The most...

Last week the European Court of Human Rights rendered an important decision on paternal parental choice regarding the preservation of embryos. The case is Evans v. United Kingdom. The full text is available here and an official summary is available here. The story is quite heartbreaking. Natallie Evans and her partner, "J", were undergoing fertility treatment when she was diagnosed with...

Last week the WTO Appellate Body issued its ruling in the Mexico sweetener dispute with the United States. I had reported earlier about the panel decision here. One of the more interesting issues in the case is the argument for judicial abstention. Mexico argued that the WTO had jurisdiction over the case but that it should exercise...

In his first major address as Chief Justice, on Wednesday John Roberts addressed a crowd of 1,000 participants at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley. Details of the speech are available here. The Chief Justice also addressed a group of about 100 Pepperdine law students immediately prior to the speech. (It doesn't hurt when your current dean was the Chief...