Author: Roger Alford

One of the more difficult issues about universal norms is that they frequently collide. How is a country to respond when it must choose between two norms, both of which are said to be universal and yet they are incompatible with one another? To illustrate, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights enumerates universal norms and boldly states that “every...

Great post by Scott Horton on the meaning of "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (Latin for "A New Order of the Ages"). It’s there on every dollar bill. Turn it over and read the legend under the pyramid–”novus ordo seclorum”–”a New Order of the Ages.” Hollywood makes it the center of a treasure hunt. Religious nuts who populate the world of cable TV...

Deputy U.S. Trade Representative John Veroneau delivered a nice, succinct speech this week to business leaders addressing the globalization backlash. Here's a quick summary: As a result of unprecedented gains in productivity in recent generations, millions of people today enjoy lives unrecognizable a century ago, in terms of the quality and quantity of food, health care, housing and other goods...

Today, the anniversary of September 11 terrorist attacks, I read with great interest the recent message of Osama Bin Laden. (Full transcript here). There has been plenty of news coverage about the timing, appearance, and tone of the speech. But there has been insufficient analysis of one key component of the speech: its central message. So on September...

I recently came across this wonderful website called the Online Library of Liberty. It includes, among many other writers, the works of some of international law's founding fathers, such as Hugo Grotius, Samuel von Pufendorf, and Emer de Vattel. There also is a library on the Hague Peace Conferences, and topical sections on law generally, and subtopics like...

Last week I linked to a report from Human Rights Watch on Hezbollah's targeting of civilians. Yesterday Human Rights Watch released another report on the conflict, this one focusing on Israeli attacks on civilians in Lebanon. The press release is here and the full report is here. Here is a taste: Israel’s indiscriminate airstrikes, not Hezbollah’s shielding as...

Great article in the New York Times profiling Harvard Law professor Jack Goldsmith. His book the Terror Presidency is out later this month should be a bestseller on the Foreign Affairs bestsellers list. The article has some juicy excerpts of Goldsmith's confrontations with David Addington. Knowing Jack Goldsmith quite well, I have every reason to believe his...

A federal district court in Washington D.C. last week rendered a decision against Iran and the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and Security for a terrorist bombing in Jerusalem that killed Marla Bennett. Details about the July 2002 terrorist attack on Hebrew University that killed nine are available at this moving victims memorial website. In Bennett v. Iran, Marla...

Human Rights Watch yesterday issued a 128-page report entitled "Civilians Under Assault: Hezbollah's Rocket Attacks on Israel in 2006 War." The full report is here and the press release is here. Here is an excerpt: During the 2006 war, Hezbollah fired thousands of rockets indiscriminately and at times deliberately at civilian areas in northern Israel, killing at least...

With the new academic year upon us, I thought it might be useful to update you on all new and lateral international law professor hires. If I have missed anyone, or made any errors in description, please email me or add a comment to the post. Special thanks to our Opinio Juris intern Louis Froelich for his assistance. Lateral...