Author: Peter Spiro

Daniel Nexon has a gem of a short review of books by Samuel Barkin and Charles Glaser in the December 2011 edition of Perspectives on Politics.  I am enough of an outsider to International Relations theory to have missed the "war on paradigmism".  I'm glad to hear that it has apparently been won.  The next challenge, according to Nexon: What should we...

The Brits are looking to strip Asma al-Assad of her UK citizenship, this in the wake of the imposition of various sanctions on her and family members of other Assad associates.  Familial sanctions are an increasingly common practice, on the theory that you really get at the bad guys when you deprive their spouses of shopping trips to world capitals.  (In...

Opinions here, with an eight-Justice majority for the result, with the case kicked back downstairs for resolution on the merits.  In the long run, this could prove a watershed decision.  The Court rejects the "textual commitment" and "no manageable standards" bases for applying the political question doctrine.  Neither has ever made a lot of sense to me on their own...

The Hudson Institute's John Fonte has a new book out, Sovereignty or Submission: Will American Rule Themselves or Be Ruled by Others? (Encounter Books).  From the title you don't have to know John to know what his answer would be.  Fonte is an unabashed sovereigntist, vaunting its "Philadelphian" strain (located in the people, as opposed to the Westphalian variant based...

For those of you no longer getting the New York Times in print, this was the lead story in today's paper.  (Somewhat weirdly, it shows up on the webpage as a blog post.)  Apple's signing on to Fair Labor Association standards and auditing is probably the biggest thing ever to happen in the world of private, rights-related codes of conduct....

Just a note to point you to OJ's Twitter feed, which you can find here.  We link to posts on the blog, but there's also added content in the form of pointers to other items that might be of interest to OJ readers. For those of you that haven't taken up the habit, some serious material is floating around the Twitterverse...

This op-ed from today's NYT reinforces a new orientation towards Mass Atrocity Response Operations (the name of a project founded by Sarah Sewall out of the Kennedy School that is enjoying some traction with the Obama Administration).  Drones can be deployed in reconnaissance efforts to detect and document human rights violations. The twist here: it doesn't have to be governments doing the reconnoitering. Drones...

The Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) continues to prompt intense opposition from Americans overseas.  In my post below, I suggested that some would simply take their citizenship underground, on the expectation of imperfect enforcement and the continuing value of holding a US passport -- becoming, in effect, secret Americans. Others are predicting that large numbers of Americans abroad will shed...