Author: Mariam Bezhanishvili

[Mariam Bezhanishvili (LinkedIn; Twitter; ResearchGate) is a PhD candidate at the European University Viadrina, researching on the protection of property during armed conflicts and occupations. She was formerly a visiting professional at the International Criminal Court and a legal intern at the International Bar Association ICC&ICL Programme.] On 18 July 2023, the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a judgment in relation to the Situation in the...

Mariam Bezhanishvili (LinkedIn; Twitter; ResearchGate) is a PhD candidate at the European University Viadrina, researching on the protection of property rights during armed conflicts and occupations. Photo Credits to Source:      The judgement of the European Court of Human Rights (the Court) on the inter-state case Georgia v Russia (II), which was delivered on 21 January 2021, has become a subject of controversy...