Author: Kevin Jon Heller

On behalf of all of us at Opinio Juris, I am delighted to announce that John Louth of Oxford University Press will be blogging with us this week.  John joined OUP in 1997 and is now Editor-in-Chief of Academic Law, covering books, journals, and online services. He graduated from Cambridge with an undergraduate degree in law and philosophy and with...

Jack Goldsmith has responded to my post about the D.C. Circuit's rejection of co-belligerency in Al-Bihani.  It's an interesting response, worth a few additional thoughts. To begin with, it is important to note that Goldsmith does not respond to the substance of the panel's criticism of the idea that state-centered notions of co-belligerency can be applied to non-state actors in NIAC....

In Part One of this series, I discussed how to decide whether to write a book and offered some thoughts about book contracts.  In this post, I want to discuss the calling card that every potential book author needs to obtain a contract -- a good proposal.  Bill Schabas can submit a one sentence proposal that says "I want to...

In its motion to dismiss the ACLU/CCR targeted-killing lawsuit, the government claims (p.5) that Al-Aulaqi can be lawfully targeted because Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is "an organized armed group that is either part of al-Qaeda, or is an associated force, or cobelligerent, of al-Qaeda that has directed armed attacks against the United States in the noninternational armed conflict...

At Foreign Policy, Bill Egginton, the chair of German and Romance Languages and Literatures at Johns Hopkins -- and more importantly, my best friend -- has a fascinating article on Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian novelist who just won the Nobel Prize for Literature.  Here is a snippet: [H]is latest book, El sueño del celta, which will be released on Nov....

Obama apologized on Friday for experiments conducted in Guatemala between 1946 and 1948 in which American scientists deliberately infected prison inmates, prostitutes, and mental patients with syphilis without their consent.  The apology is a striking reminder that the Nazis were not the only ones that conducted horrific, non-consensual medical experiments on human subjects in the first half of the 20th...

So, I finished my book on the Nuremberg Military Tribunals last Friday. Okay, that's a lie.  Or at least an exaggeration.  I still have about 2,500 footnotes to fix (literally).  And a few thousand precious, perfectly crafted words to cut.  But I have a very polished first draft of the text.  I even printed it out to see how big it...

In its motion to dismiss the ACLU/CCR lawsuit, the government argues that the plaintiffs lack standing to bring the lawsuit on al-Aulaqi's behalf, because al-Aulaqi has the option of surrendering to the government and bringing the lawsuit himself: Defendants state that if Anwar al-Aulaqi were to surrender or otherwise present himself to the proper authorities in a peaceful and appropriate manner,...

Ben Wittes at Lawfare and Adam Serwer at TAPPED traded posts today on the government's motion to dismiss the ACLU/CCR lawsuit.  I think the exchange -- particularly Wittes' response to Serwer -- illustrates perfectly why discussions about national security between conservatives and progressives always seem to have a Pinteresque quality.  Here is the point to which Wittes responded: I think it's...

The Obama administration recently filed its motion to dismiss the ACLU/CCR lawsuit that seeks to enjoin the government from using lethal force against Anwar al-Aulaqi.  Predictably, the motion relies on a potpourri of reasons why no court should ever review the lawfulness of Obama's determination that an American citizen abroad should be summarily executed, including everyone's favorite "state secrets" privilege. ...