Author: Kevin Jon Heller

Well, at least it is in Michelle Bachmann's world: I would say it's a unified message. It really is about jobs and the economy. That doesn't mean people haven't [sic] forgotten about protecting life and marriage and the sanctity of the family. People are very concerned about that as well. But what people recognize is...

Apologies for the non-existent blogging of late -- a few weeks ago a car knocked me off my bike, breaking a small bone in my forearm and badly bruising my ribs.  I didn't need surgery or even a cast, fortunately, but I haven't been able to type more than a short email until the past few days.  This is probably...

I want to call readers attention to Dan Joyner's new book, Interpreting the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, just out from Oxford.  I haven't had time to read it yet, but it looks fascinating -- and the cover is beautiful.  Here is the summary: The 1968 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty has proven the most complicated and controversial of all arms control treaties, both in...

I want to call readers' attention to Douglas Guilfoyle's article "The Mavi Marmara Incident and Blockade in Armed Conflict," which is forthcoming in the British Year Book of International Law.  (Subscription required.)  It's absolutely superb -- comprehensive, analytic, and above all fair.  Indeed, its conclusions differ in important ways from those of the UN HRC report, the Turkel Commission inquiry...

Three stories to mention.  First, Moreno-Ocampo plans to introduce WikiLeaks cables in the trial of the six Kenyan defendants: This emerged as he prepares to hand over the last batch of the evidence he will rely on in the September hearing against three of Kenya’s six post-election violence suspects. The evidence to be released on Wednesday relates to the...

As part of his ongoing war against the New York Times, Ben Wittes has a post today entitled "Seven Errors in Today's New York Times Editorial."  I occasionally agree with Wittes' criticism of the NYT; the paper sometimes misstates the law when it criticizes the Obama administration.  But there is nothing erroneous about today's editorial, and Wittes can only claim...

I have just posted a new essay on SSRN, entitled "The Uncertain Legal Status of the Aggression Understandings."  The essay will be published by the Journal of International Criminal Justice as part of a symposium on the ICC's new crime of aggression.  Here is the abstract: Annex III of Resolution RC/Res.6, adopted by consensus at Kampala on 12 June 2010, contains...

The following is a guest-post by Mark Kersten.  Mark is a PhD candidate in International Relations at the London School of Economics and author of the (excellent) blog Justice in Conflict. His research examines the nexus of conflict resolution and the pursuit of international criminal justice. Trying to Get to the Bottom of the “Peace versus Justice” Debate...

I'm under the pump because of a deadline, but I wanted to call readers' attention to a short editorial at written by Victor Kattan about the PLO/PA's intention to ask the UN General Assembly to recognize Palestinian statehood in September.  Victor discusses a variety of interesting diplomatic and legal aspects of that intention, including the possibility that the PLO/PA...

QS World University Rankings has released its list of the world's top law schools.  Here are the top 30: 1.  Harvard 2.  Oxford 3.  Cambridge 4.  Yale 5.  Stanford 6.  Berkeley 7.  Columbia 8.  London School of Economics 9.  Melbourne 10. NYU 11. Sydney 12. McGill 13. Toronto 14. Chicago 15. Australia National University 16. UCLA 17. Michigan 18. Auckland 19. Victoria University Wellington 20. Monash 21. King's College London 22. University College London 23. University of British Columbia 24. National University Singapore 25. University...

I am delighted to announce the publication of my book "The Nuremberg Military Tribunals and the Origins of International Criminal Law."  The book can be ordered from Oxford University Press here; Amazon should have it (at a whopping $8.78 discount) in the next few days.  Here for the last time is the cover: Once again, I want to thank...