Author: Kenneth Anderson

The New York Times has a prominent, page 3 international story datelined from the UN by C.J. Chivers, "US Position Complicates Global Effort to Curb Illicit Arms."  Let me step here directly, but I hope carefully, into the international aspects of a very emotional US political debate.  (And thanks to Glenn Reynolds once again for the Instalanche! I also want...

Opinio Juris' good friend Bobby Chesney has dropped us a note to let everyone know that the National Security Advisors blog is being revived, with more content and new stuff.  Check it out.   And while I'm at it, thanks very much to Glenn Reynolds and Instapundit for the shout out about the new site!  It's an Instalanche!...

Senators Arlen Specter and Joe Lieberman have a joint commentary in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal (July 14, 2008), promoting a federal law to discourage so-called “libel tourism."  Libel tourism refers to the practice of a plaintiff suing for libel in a plaintiff-friendly jurisdiction – i.e., the UK – and then seeking to have the judgment enforced in US and other...

  I missed Bastille Day celebrations in Paris on Monday – got on a plane back to DC early in the morning.  But let me extend my best wishes on Bastille Day to all our French readers.  And everyone else, too.  My friend BP, a magazine editor in France, commented at dinner the other night that the thing about America and...

My thanks for Chris' generous introduction, and I want to say how honored I am to join the team at Opinio Juris.  I have followed it closely from its first days, and have watched with admiration as it has grown into the amazing blog it is today.  The migration to the new format is just a part of that -...

I'm afraid I haven't been holding up my end of this discussion very well because it turned out that I am traveling to Europe just as things got underway. I'm here in Paris for some meetings that include some very serious intellectual-activist-elites from across Europe. A very distinguished group of people, and I feel a bit of a...

Well, gentle readers, my week of guest blogging at Opinio Juris is coming to an end. I've had a wonderful time, and certainly allowed my indulgences to get indulged in picking topics to write about. Hope you haven't found it too far adrift from international law. But I want to thank all the folks at Opinio Juris...

The Copenhagen Consensus is the brain child of self-described 'skeptical environmentalist' and statistician Bjorn Lomborg; housed at the Copenhagen Business School, it seeks to apply cost benefit analysis to the world's leading problems in development, poverty, the environment, etc., with the assistance of a range of leading economists, and come up with not just a list of issues, but a...

Memorial Day for a long time in my life didn't mean much of anything; I came of age in the 1970s just slightly too late for the Vietnam war, remembrance of which was all too weird for a long time, and anyhow there weren't that many wars going on, at least not ones that I was aware of. So...