Author: Kenneth Anderson

Today is the global financial crisis summit in Washington DC, with attendance by leaders of the G20.  Bloomberg reports that the most likely results are: agreement to a global fiscal stimulus aimed supporting aggregate demand while waiting for monetary stimulus (i.e., interest rate cuts by central banks) to take effect;  reform of the IMF to put it at the center of addressing...

At the SMU conference last week on transnational governance networks, splendidly organized by Prof. Jenia Turner, a question that was much on my mind was one that was - what's the word? - obviated by the topic of the conference itself: what role for global civil society in, so to speak, running the planet?  For that matter, what role for...

Julian has already written a cautionary note about expecting a new Bretton Woods out of the upcoming global economic summit.  I could not agree more, and note that the Washington Post agrees in an editorial yesterday - indeed, the Post takes Sarkozy to the proverbial woodshed for a whuppin': With the global economy in crisis, and his own tenure as temporary...

As discussions of a(nother) bailout for Detroit automakers continue, one question that intrigues me is whether any Opinio Juris readers drive Detroit-made cars - i.e., cars made by the Big Three US automakers?  Please feel free to indicate in the comments. My wife and I own two Hondas, one of them a 1993 Honda Civic that we bought used from the...

Something that my international business law students often have trouble grasping is that the Chinese economy remains enormously dependent upon exports to the rest of the world and to the US in particular.  On account of so much attention, often in undergraduate political science classes and elsewhere, I suspect, to the "rise of China and India," my students, and perhaps...

All the really cool people in the world are at SMU in Dallas today, at a conference called The Rise of Transnational Networks.  Professor Jenia Turner is the organizer, and she and her colleagues and the SMU students have done a fantastic job of getting great speakers and panelists.  This is a very smart meeting.  The videos will be posted...

from someone who supported the other guy.  It is a great day for this country, and one of the things that makes and keeps the United States great is that Barack Obama will be my president too.   I remember asking someone in the Georgian civil wars why this was all worth a civil war, why not an election - he...