Author: Kenneth Anderson

Der Spiegel reports from Germany (the article is detailed and worth reading in full): In the latest dispute over the European Union's anti-piracy mission off the coast of Somalia, lawyers representing two suspects being detained in Kenya have filed suits against the German government. They want Berlin to foot the bill for the suspects' defense and ensure they are given a...

Stuart Taylor, the eminent legal affairs columnist for National Journal, writes this week on the vexed issue of the detainee cases.  This sentence in particular caught my eye: So clogged with detainee cases are the federal courts in D.C. that they may not have time to conduct any ordinary civil trials this spring or summer. Stuart is a very diligent journalist, so...

(Update:  It appears that the ship has been retaken, by the crew, according to the NYT.  There have also been some reports that at least one pirate is in custody, or anyway control, of the crew.  Here, then, is my question.  If one of the (alleged) pirates has been taken into custody, what should legally follow?  The US has been...

Over at Volokh, Eric Posner has a very interesting post today on the Koh nomination.  Here is a snippet: Foreign-law opponents, take heart! Koh is not a cosmopolitan who seeks to sacrifice American sovereignty to foreign gods. He is a liberal who wants to move American law to the left. International law serves as a handy vehicle, to be used or...

Michael Innes, over at ComplexTerrainLab (where I have been participating in a very interesting discussion with a bunch of historians and political scientists on PW Singer's Wired for War), posts up a comment on a new journal, Critical Studies on Terrorism, and a review of it in another journal, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism.  (My own favorite journal on terrorism,...

Tod Lindberg, research fellow at the Hoover Institution and editor of Policy Review (and, full disclosure, good friend of mine) has a new article out in Commentary, "The Only Way to Prevent Genocide."  The article argues that while "creative diplomacy" can make a difference, in "the end, it may all come down to the willingness of the United States to...

Complex Terrain Laboratory, where several OJ people sometimes participate, is hosting an online discussion next week on PW Singer's new book on robotics and war, Wired for War.  We have mentioned this book in the past, and OJ has a number of posts on battlefield robotics in the last year or so.  Singer is participating in the CTLab symposium and,...

The IMF is much under discussion these days as the global recession deepens and spreads.  I invited Daniel Bradlow (professor at my school, Washington College of Law, and head of our international legal studies program, as well as long time advisor on Africa to the development banks and institutions, and SARCHI professor of international development law at the University of...