Author: Kenneth Anderson

to those celebrating it.  (Not everyone at OJ rains on the July 4 parade!)  For those in DC, in addition to the usual stuff, you might check out the historical reenactment of Frederick Douglass's July 5 speech, as Randy Barnett notes, at its historic site in Anacostia (Professor Barnett has a very interesting discussion and commentary on the speech at...

I don't know quite what to make of this story from the AP of July 3, 2009: African leaders approve anti-ICC move By ALFRED de MONTESQUIOU – 9 hours ago SIRTE, Libya (AP) — African leaders have approved a contentious decision to denounce the International Criminal Court and refuse to extradite Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir. The final decision by the African Union heads of state...

The Economist has a short article discussing EU proposals for financial regulation reform, in the July 4, 2009 issue, "Divided by a Common Market."  The article is not persuaded that EU regulatory reforms, divided on at least two fundamental matters, will get very far, very soon: The EU remains riven by two deep divides on the regulation of finance. The first is...

That's the question underlying my new essay, The Rise of International Criminal Law: Intended and Unintended Consequences, in the European Journal of International Law (Vol. 20, No. 2, June 2009).  And I'm very curious as to whether anyone else shares my general feeling that the very success, on important metrics, of international criminal law is tending to swallow, as it...

I don't know whether one should believe this or not; via Megan McArdle, via, which links to a news-service I have occasionally read, Avanova, but whose page comes up empty on my browser.  I'm going to ask Eugene Kontorovich what he thinks (delighted to have Eugene guest-blogging with us!).  Is this remotely plausible or urban legend?  So, with all...

Ordinarily I wouldn't post the table of contents for a symposium in an international law review, but let me herewith make an exception: 10 Chicago Journal of International Law 1 (Summer 2009) Symposium: GREAT POWER POLITICS The Language of Law and the Practice of Politics: Great Powers and the Rhetoric of Self-Determination in the Cases of Kosovo and South Ossetia Christopher J. Borgen 10 Chi...

Events in Honduras occurred while I was in a plane on a long flight, so I do not have enough of a grasp of what the facts are, or appear to be, to offer an opinion.  However, I wanted to note that, whatever they are exactly, they seem to have touched off an interesting, and not inconsequential debate, over what...

The organization whose board meeting I'm attending in Prague is the Media Development Loan Fund, and you can see its newly revamped website at  It is a media assistance organization, one that focuses on helping media companies - newspapers, radio, TV, internet - in the emerging market and developing world that provide a sizable amount of quality newsreporting.  Unlike...

Eric Posner is putting up two posts on the Koh debates, over at Volokh Conspiracy (first one is here, second is linked to it).  I'll be lite-blogging the next little bit, as I have board meetings for a nonprofit private equity fund for the next few days in Europe.  I want to start discussing more finance and development finance topics...