Author: John Heieck

Kevin kicked off the week with a post about Jean-Pierre Bemba’s claim against the ICC for €70 million following his final acquittal. While Kevin was skeptical about the merits of Bemba’s compensation claim for €22 million based on his decade of wrongful detention, Kevin was more optimistic about the success Bemba’s spoliation claim for €42.4 million resulting from the ICC’s...

Call for Papers The University of London is pleased to announce a workshop on "Rectifying the Protection Gap for 'Climate Refugees': What's Next?" on 6 June 2019. This workshop aims to assess the outcomes of the UN Global Compacts and Task Force, to identify their contributions to ongoing attempts to construct better protection mechanisms for those forced to move as...

Dhruv Sharma and Utkarsh Srivastava kicked off the week with an analysis of India’s legal justification of “non-military preemptive action” for the Balakot airstrikes, which included a robust discussion on the law of self-defense. Livio Zilli, a Senior Legal Adviser and UN Representative at the International Commission of Jurists, provided a detailed analysis of the UN Human Rights Committee’s General Comment...

Events The International Nuremberg Principles Academy is pleased to announce an international conference on "Paving the Path of Human Rights: Synergies between International Criminal Law and UN Agenda 2030" on 3-4 May 2019 in Nuremberg, Germany. More information on the conference, including registration, can be found here. Announcements The Codification Division of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs recently added...

It was a busy week on Opinio Juris. Julian Ku kicked things off with an interesting post on the legal ramifications of the status of the “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU) between the US and China on trade matters. Scholars and students of the law of treaties and the WTO will be especially interested in Julian’s post. Alonso Gurmendi contributed a thought-provoking piece...

Call for Papers The Law Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is pleased to announce a call for papers for a workshop on "International law’s invisible frames – social cognition and knowledge production in international legal processes." The workshop will address two closely related strands of analysis in recent international legal theory: social cognition and knowledge production. Applicants may employ...

Marcos Zunino kicked off the week with a post on the challenges of transitional justice faced by the democratic government of Argentina with respect to the retention, removal, and vetting of judges after the collapse of the military dictatorship in 1983. In particular, Marcos analyzed the relative success of the measures taken by government in this regard in light of...

Call for Written Submissions The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) has opened a call for written submissions on the misuse of criminal law in the areas of sexuality, reproduction, drug use, and HIV. This is an important opportunity for civil society, academics, law makers, human rights experts, community groups and persons affected by the relevant criminal laws, to provide input, including on...

Carlos Arturo Villagrán Sandoval kicked off the week with an illuminating discussion of the Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en Guatemalaor or CICIG affair and the consequences thereof on the new monist approach to international law in the Guatemalan domestic legal system. In response to a new report on State Responsibility for Modern Slavery at the UN, Kristen discussed the duty...

Two posts this week addressed different legal aspects of the current political crisis in Venezuela. Kevin Jon Heller kicked off the week with a post on the advantages of Venezuela adopting the aggression amendments to the ICC Statute in light of the recent saber rattling by certain states to enforce, through military means if necessary, Juan Guaidó’s claim to the...

Call for Papers The Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) is organizing a one-day conference on "Protecting Community Interests under International Law: Challenges and Prospects for the 21st Century," which will take place on Monday, 3 June 2019, in Oslo, Norway. This conference aims at providing insights on the role and function of international law in a framework of increased global governance by...

Back by popular demand, the "Weekend Roundup" will return next weekend. In the meantime, check out Part I and Part II of Nicolás Carrillo-Santarelli's excellent post on "An Analysis of the Legal Obligations of the ELN Guerrilla and Third States in the Aftermath of the Attack Against a Colombian Police Academy."...