Author: Jessica Dorsey

According to the UN, the death toll of the Syrian conflict now exceeds 60,000. A US drone strike has killed Mullah Nazir, a Pakistani Taliban commander. The IMF has stated that the US "fiscal cliff" deal is not enough to bring the economy back on a sustainable path. Judge McMahon of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York has granted summary judgment to the government...

Thousands have protested in Hong Kong to demand the resignation of the China-backed chief executive and democratic leadership elections. Seven charity workers have been killed by gunmen in Pakistan when they visited a community centre that serves as a school and a clinic. According to South Korea's Finance Ministry, unification of the two Koreas could cost the South up to 7 percent of annual GDP for...

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights issued a press release welcoming the National Congress of Argentina’s recent approval of legislation that creates the System for Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment. The Yemen-based branch of al Qaeda has offered a bounty for anyone who kills the U.S. ambassador to Yemen or an American soldier in the impoverished...

The US and the UN have raised security alerts in the Central African Republic and the US has now decided to close its embassy in response to the security risks posed by the rebels advancing to the capital. A spokesperson for the new Japanese government has refused to confirm that the new PM would uphold the 1993 apology to women used as sex slaves...

The Commander of Syria's Military Policy has announced his defection from the regime over YouTube. Meanwhile, Special Envoy Brahimi will travel to Russia on Saturday for talks on the situation in Syria, after Syrian representatives had discussions at the Russian Foreign Ministry earlier today. Russia's Upper House has unanimously approved the ban on adoptions to the US, in retaliation for the US Magnitsky Act....

Israel has approved 1200 additional settlement units around Jerusalem, and with the election looming in less than a month, pressure is reportedly building on PM Netanyahu to drop the two state solution. Turkey is hopeful that progress will be made on its EU membership negotiations during the Ireland's turn at the helm of the Union in the first six months of 2013. The new Egyptian Constitution was...

Human Rights Watch has accused Palestinian military units in Gaza of violating laws of war by firing rockets into populated areas of Israel. At least five people were killed in two drone strikes in south Yemen in what security and local officials said were attacks on suspected al Qaeda-linked insurgents. An Internet virus attacked computers at industrial sites in southern Iran in an apparent...

Four more nominations for the post of WTO Director-General have been received in the past few days: Herminio Blanco (Mexico), Ahmad Hindawi (Jordan), Amina Mohamed (Kenya) and Tim Groser (New Zealand). Russia's Foreign Minister has stated that the Syrian government is unlikely to deploy chemical weapons as it would amount to political suicide. An Afghan policewoman has killed a NATO military adviser in Kabul. Islamists in Mali have destroyed more of the historic Timbuktu mausoleums. The...

Upcoming Events The ABA Section of International Law presents the 3rd Annual "Live from L," The Office of the Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State Thursday, January 10th, 2013 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM US Eastern Time entitled: "International Lawyering for the U.S. Government in an Era of Smart Power: Emerging Issues for the Next Four Years." More information and registration can be found by clicking here. The Oxford...

The ICTR issued its final decision yesterday, sentencing former Rwandan minister Augustin Ngirabatware to 35 years in prison. An Argentine court sentenced former Interior Minister Jaime Smart to life in prison for crimes against humanity during the nation's 1976-1983 “Dirty War.” The UN sees no prospect of an end to the violence in Syria, according to Ban Ki-Moon, and urges unity from...

Al Qaeda has staged a comeback in Syria, posing a dilemma for the opposition fighting to remove President Bashar al-Assad and making the West balk at military backing for the revolt. The United Nations Security Council members, except for the United States, have condemned Israel’s latest plans to construct thousands of settlement homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The UN Security...

Yesterday, in its second decision to date, the International Criminal Court acquitted Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui of the seven counts of war crimes and three counts of crimes against humanity he faced related to the conflict about ten years ago in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, due to lack of evidence. In the face of criticism from many on the acquittal...