Author: Jessica Dorsey

China has banned its trawlers from fishing in waters off the eastern coast of North Korea, due to a dispute over fuel supplies. South Korea has "strongly" protested against a Japanese defense report for describing South Korea-controlled islets in the Sea of Japan as Japanese territory. Corruption has worsened in most Arab countries since their 2011 revolutions, even though anger with corrupt officials was a...

Brazil's foreign minister has said his government is worried by a report that the US has collected data on millions of telephone and email conversations in his country and promised to push for international protection of internet privacy. Bolivia offered asylum to former US spy agency contractor Edward Snowden, joining leftist allies Venezuela and Nicaragua in defiance of Washington, which is...

Calls for Papers Transnational Dispute Management has issued a call for papers entitled: "Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: In Search of A Roadmap." Publication is expected in October or November 2013. Proposals for papers (e.g., abstracts) should be submitted to the editors by 15 September 2013. A call for papers has been issued for the inaugural conference of the Stockholm Centre for the Ethics...

The Egyptian army has overthrown President Mohamed Morsi and suspended the constitution, announcing a roadmap for the country’s political future that will be implemented by a national reconciliation committee. Al Jazeera has a collection of international reactions to the news and Foreign Policy introduces us to Adly Mansour, "the judge who is now (sort of) running Egypt." Tunisian opposition activists are taking cues...

A US drone strike in Pakistan's Waziristan region killed at least 17 after two missiles struck a house near the main market in Miranshah and reports allege that rescuers were hesitant to help wounded and injured for fear of a second attack, a common tactic with drone strikes. Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi has rejected calls for his resignation, saying that he...

According to WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden--responsible for leaking the NSA security program--is seeking asylum in some 20 countries including China, India and Norway. After the backlash coming from the European Union amid reports that the US was spying on the EU, President Obama tried to allay fears by saying the US along with all countries' intel services are involved in trying to...

Tens of thousands of Croatians cheered the country's entry into the European Union. Ecuador's Foreign Minister, Ricardo Patino, has called on the US to explain itself to the world over its massive spy program. Millions of people have taken to the streets of Cairo and other cities across Egypt, demanding the resignation of President Mohamed Morsi amid sporadic violence that left several...

After reportedly receiving a shipment of Russian missiles, Syrian President Bashar al Assad has said his country will respond to any Israeli attack on its soil. Hundreds of South Korean workers have called during a rally on political leaders in Seoul and Pyongyang to reopen the joint industrial complex in North Korea. Israel is preparing to build more than 1,000 new settler...

The US launched its first drone strike in Pakistan since May 11th elections in which drone strikes were a major issue of contention, with many expressing dissatisfaction and condemnation of the US program. Near a shipwreck in the South China Sea, tensions are mounting between Philippines, the owner of the ship run aground in 1999 to claim the territory, and China,...

The African Union has accused the ICC of targeting Africans on the basis of race and it called for an end to prosecution of Kenya's president and his deputy over crimes against humanity. Fighting rages on in Syria and more reports of the use of chemical weapons by Syria's President Al-Assad have surfaced as well. The EU has lifted its arms embargo...

The government of Colombia and representatives of the FARC say they have reached a deal on land reform, one of the most contentious items in their protracted peace negotiations. Syria's foreign minister has said that his government will take part in a peace conference in Geneva, terming it a "good opportunity for a political solution" to the civil war in Syria. Though it is still too...

Calls for Papers A call for papers has been issued for a workshop and publication on "Natural resources grabbing: erosion or legitimate exercise of State sovereignty?” 4th and 5th October 2013 at the University of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy). Deadline for submissions of abstracts is 15 June 2013. The growing demand for natural resources has triggered a “race” to their exploitation and possession, especially in developing...