Author: Jessica Dorsey

This week on Opinio Juris, Julian discussed the US' funding (along with the EU and the UK) of a team of investigators gathering war crimes evidence in Syria and why that effort would probably not lead to any prosecutions. Chris pointed out a trend with regard to in cyber(in)security with his post on zero-day exploits, noting that the "money in the market...

Your weekly selection of international law and international relations headlines from around the world: Africa A senior UN official has given warning of the risk of genocide in the Central African Republic without a more robust international response to communal bloodshed in which at least eight more people have died. The EU is expected to send troops to help stabilize the situation. The UN...

Calls for Papers The European Society of International Law's IEL group is holding a workshop on Sept 3, 2014 in Vienna. Their Call for Papers can be found here. Please note the 1st March deadline to submit proposals. The Organizing Committee of the 2014 Society of Legal Scholars' PhD Conference, to be held at the University of Nottingham on 8th of September, 2014, are inviting the submission...

Your weekly selection of international law and international relations headlines from around the world: Middle East British and U.S. spies targeted a senior EU official, German government buildings, and the office of an Israeli prime minister, according to the latest leaked documents from Edward Snowden published on Friday. Israeli officials said they were not surprised by allegations of spying and played down the...

Calls for Papers The Stanford Journal of International Law seeks contributions by academics, practitioners, and policymakers for its Symposium titled Governing Intelligence: Transnational Threats & the National Security State, which will take place on May 2, 2014 at Stanford Law School. Governing Intelligence will move beyond the surveillance debate to start an interdisciplinary dialogue about the power and limits of intelligence agencies from a comparative and international perspective. Contributions must address either of the...

Your weekly selection of international law and international relations headlines from around the world: Middle East The UN sent its first delivery of humanitarian aid by air to Syria from Iraq and said it plans to deliver more food and winter supplies to the mainly Kurdish northeast in the next 12 days. Yemen's parliament called for a stop to drone attacks in a...

Your weekly selection of international law and international relations headlines from around the world: Middle East The UN General Assembly has elected Jordan to the Security Council to replace Saudi Arabia, which had rejected the seat in an unprecedented act to protest the council's failure to end the Syrian and Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. Syria's Bashar al-Assad will remain president and lead any transition agreed...

Calls for Papers As the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 Commission Report approaches, the recurring dispute over the boundaries of the post-9/11 national security state is once again in full swing. Governing Intelligence will move beyond the surveillance debate to start an interdisciplinary dialogue about the power and limits of intelligence agencies from a comparative and international perspective. The Stanford Journal of International Law seeks contributions by...

Your weekly selection of international law and international relations headlines from around the world: Middle East The Israeli army fired into Syria after its troops were shot at on the occupied Golan Heights, the military said. The IAEA will probably need more money to verify the implementation of a landmark nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers, and it would take some...

Your weekly selection of international law and international relations headlines from around the world: Middle East Iran and six world powers clinched a deal to curb the Iranian nuclear program in exchange for initial sanctions relief, signalling the start of a game-changing rapprochement that would reduce the risk of a wider Middle East war, though a "tough road ahead" awaits those working to...

Calls for Papers The Galway Student Law Review at the National University of Ireland, Galway is seeking submissions for Volume 5 of the Review. Submissions may be on any legal topic, whether domestic, foreign, international or transnational and may be in English, Irish or French. Submissions are accepted from students and academics alike and should be between 1,500 - 10,000 words (approximately - longer articles may be accepted with prior...

Your weekly selection of international law and international relations headlines from around the world: Middle East Israel has secretly detained a suspected al-Qaeda biological weapons expert for more than three years, court documents disclosed, after the man appealed to the Israeli Supreme Court to free him. The president of Iraqi Kurdistan has called on Turkey's Kurds to back a flagging peace process with...