Author: Chris Borgen

Last month I wrote a series of posts, chained below, concerning the separatist conflict in Moldova. At issue is who should control Transnistria, a strip of land between the Dniestr River and the border of Ukraine. Transnistria contains Moldova’s key industrial infrastructure, power plants, and, importantly, a significant stockpile of Soviet-era arms. Since 1992, it has been under the effective...

What do Formula-One racing and international law have in common? A little bit more than they used to. Consider the following from the BBC:Cyprus is making an official complaint to motor sport's world governing body over what it calls a political "trick" at the Turkish Grand Prix. The Turkish Cypriot leader, Mehmet Ali Talat, presented the Formula One...

A Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist, Paul Salopek, is being held in a Sudanese jail on charges of espionage. Salopek and his driver and his interpreter, both Chadian nationals who were similarly charged, were arrested in Darfur on August 6th, where Salopek was on assignment for National Geographic. On Tuesday, Representatives Chris Shays and Brian Higgins were able to visit...

The Yale Journal of International Law has issued a call for papers for their fifth annual Young Scholars’ Conference. The full announcement and submission information can be found in a link from this page. The conference theme is The “New” New Haven School: International Law—Past, Present & Future and it is scheduled for March 2007. They describe it...

I wanted to point out two relatively new websites concerning the UN and international law that have come to my attention. The first is the United Nations and the Individual, a blog co-authored by Otto Spijkers, a Leiden PhD candidate, and Richard Norman, an educator in South Korea with a background in international conflicts. The blog covers a wide...

The International Crisis Group has a new report on the risk of widespread violence in the Niger Delta called “The Swamps of Insurgency: Nigeria’s Delta Unrest.” The executive summary and full report download are available here. Following is a short description from the ICG:The Nigerian government and international oil corporations must change direction if they are to reduce...

The separatist conflict in Moldova about which I have been blogging received a brief mention by President Bush on Thursday. Reuters reports the following regarding the meeting of President Bush and Romanian President Basescu:The leaders also agreed that separatists in neighboring Moldova should not be allowed to secede from the country. "We support the territorial integrity of Moldova," Bush said.Actually...