Author: An Hertogen

The cease fire in Gaza appears to hold, in what is seen as a test for the new Egyptian government's ability to influence Hamas. More than 20 people have been killed in a suicide attack on a Shiite procession in Rawalpindi, in northern Pakistan. The Taliban has claimed responsibility. After successfully capturing Goma, the rebels in Eastern Congo are vowing to march...

US Secretary of State Clinton has arrived in Israel to assist in the negotiation of a truce with Hamas. The UK has recognized the Syrian opposition coalition, but the US has adopted a wait-and-see approach. Polish authorities have arrested two men allegedly planning to bomb Parliament. Shortly before the fourth anniversary of the Mumbai attacks, India has executed the only militant surviving the...

The ICJ has ruled against Nicaragua in the territorial and maritime dispute it had filed against Colombia, and rejected claims that Colombia violated international law. International pressure to reach a ceasefire after six days of conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza strip is building and there are signs that Israel is open to a diplomatic solution in which Egypt...

Ban Ki-moon has called for a ceasefire in Gaza. Another Israeli air strike early on Monday morning has increased the death toll to 85 Palestinians and three Israelis. IntLawGrrls reports that James Stewart has been elected as the new ICC Deputy Prosecutor On Friday, the ICTY Appeals Chamber issued its judgment in Gotovina and Markac. Over at EJIL:Talk!, Marko Milanovic issues a...

Upcoming Events On January 18-19, 2012, the Sheffield Centre for International and European Law is organizing a workshop entitled "Doing Law Beyond the State: Research Methodologies in Comparative, EU and Public and Private International Law". The program and registration are online. Calls for Papers The seventh annual International Graduate Legal Research Conference will be held on April 8-9, 2013 at King’s College London....

This week on Opinio Juris, we finished last week's symposium on the Oxford Guide to Treaties, recently edited by our own Duncan Hollis. Peter Spiro discussed Kal Raustiala's chapter on NGOs and treaty-making, and argued that we should look beyond traditional treaties to understand the full scope of NGO participation in international lawmaking. A final set of posts discussed the increasing public...

Israel has intensified its aerial bombardment on the Gaza strip, after shells targeted Tel Aviv for the first time in 20 years. CNN has a Q&A about the conflict. Syrian opposition leaders are in London to meet UK Foreign Secretary William Hague. The UK has summoned the Spanish Ambassador after Spanish naval vessels allegedly intruded in Gibraltar territorial waters. The UK Ambassador to...

With the US elections dominating the headlines this week, Peter Spiro argued that the impact of the US president on populations who are unable to vote in the election, and are not even allowed to make campaign contributions, reveals another limit of state-based institutions. Deborah Pearlstein asked whether President Obama's promise that a "decade of war is ending" includes the "war"...

Upcoming Events Next weekend, the Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute is organizing a conference entitled "The International Criminal Court at 10". The program is available here, and you can register via this link. The SHARES Seminar: Principles of Shared Responsibility in International Law will take place in Amsterdam on February 7-8, 2013. There is limited room for inclusion of academic experts...

This week on Opinio Juris, our thoughts are with our US East Coast readers affected by Superstorm Sandy. We hope you and your loved ones are safe and sound. Posting was light this week because of the storm, which forced us to postpone a symposium on Duncan Hollis' edited volume, The Oxford Guide to Treaties, to next week. But Sandy also provided inspiration...

This week on Opinio Juris, we welcomed Kristen Boon as our newest permanent blogger. In her opening post, she examined why the Security Council's work on Children and Armed Conflict has turned out to be controversial. She also asked readers' opinion on a recent report by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture claiming that there is an emerging customary norm that...