Author: An Hertogen

Calls for Papers The Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property and Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University College of Law; the Intellectual Property Law Center, Drake University Law School; the Center for International and Comparative Law, Duke University Law School; the Institute for Information Law and Policy, New York Law School; and the Committee on International Intellectual Property,...

This week on Opinio Juris, a guest post by Daniel Bethlehem, following up on a post by Julian Ku last week, offered three more legal bases for the legality of an intervention in Syria. Also continuing on some of last week's themes, Kevin Jon Heller wrote how a recent decision by the ICC's Appeals Chamber confirms his argument on retroactive ad hoc jurisdiction, and Deborah Pearlstein couldn't resist taking...

This week on Opinio Juris, we continued a few conversations from last week. Kevin Jon Heller clarified his argument about the retroactive acceptance of the ICC's jurisdiction, and challenged the assumption that Palestine was not a state before last week's UNGA vote. Deborah Pearlstein advanced three reasons for the importance of Jeh Johnson's recent speech on the conditions for calling an...

Upcoming Events The next session of the Joint International Humanitarian Law Forum takes place on December 5, 2012 at the IDC Radzyner School of Law. Dr. Ben Clarke will discuss his new article "Beyond the Call of Duty: Integration of International Humanitarian Law in Video Games and Battlefield Training Simulators". More information can be found here. Calls for Papers The International Community Law...

This week on Opinio Juris, Kevin Jon Heller wrote about Niger's offer to extradite Saadi Gaddafi to the ICC, should this be requested. Kevin also discussed the conditions attached by the UK for a vote in favour of Palestine's "non-member state" bid in the UN General Assembly. The requirement that the Palestinian authority does not apply for ICC or ICJ membership...

As expected, the UN General Assembly Resolution granting non-member state status to Palestine passed on Thursday. Israel's UN ambassador has called it a "reward for terrorism". This article compares the votes of the European nations on Palestine's UNESCO membership last year, and this year's vote, and concludes that European support shifted towards the Palestinian authority. Private Bradley Manning took the stand...

The UNGA is expected to recognize Palestine as a "non-member" state during a vote today. Following massive protests earlier this week in Cairo, the Assembly drafting the new Egyptian Constitution has vowed to publish, and vote on, a draft today. The US is considering options to intervene more strongly in the Syrian conflict, while the EU has renewed its sanctions for another...

In Syria, rebel forces have for the first time downed a government helicopter using a surface-to-air missile they acquired during the recent capture of an army base. The EU is reviewing its sanctions on Syria, and the UK, with France's backing, is arguing for a review every three months to make it easier to arm the opposition. The head of the Palestinian...

Australia will abstain in the upcoming UN vote on whether to grant non-member state status to Palestine. The body of Yasser Arafat will be exhumed in Ramallah today, to determine whether his death was the result of polonium poisoning. Ehud Barak, Israel's Minister of Defence, has announced his retirement from politics. A map of China on new Chinese passports is controversial with its...

The 18th session of the Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change kicks off today in Doha, Qatar, for a last ditch effort to negotiate new emission reductions before the current ones expire at the end of the year. The Guardian has an article about what to expect. The BBC has an article about Mahmoud Abbas'...

Posting was light this week due to the Thanksgiving holiday in the US. We hope all our US readers had a very happy Thanksgiving holiday! Peter Spiro commented on the territorialist approach in Obama's speech on citizenship during this week's visit to Burma. Deborah Pearlstein posted about the ABA's recent journalists' guide on national security law, to which she contributed a chapter...

The Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law will hold the ILA-ASIL Asia-Pacific Research Forum on May 15-16, 2013 in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. The title of the Research Forum is “International Law and Dispute Resolution: Challenges in the Asia Pacific.” The organizing committee welcomes proposals on any topic relating to international law with a focus on the Asia Pacific. Paper proposals...