Author: An Hertogen

Calls for Papers The American Society of International Law’s International Economic Law Interest Group (ASIL IEcLIG) is pleased to issue a Call for Proposals for its inaugural Junior Scholars Research Forum, to be held at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, in Philadelphia, on November 22, 2013. The deadline for receipt of proposals is June 25th, 2013 and more information can...

This week on Opinio Juris, Kevin analyzed the ICC's Pre-Trial Chamber's rejection of Libya's admissibility challenge. He examined the PTC's analysis of Libya's inability to prosecute, and expressed surprise that Libya’s failure to provide Saif with defence counsel was evidence of its “inability” instead of “unwillingness”. If you find yourself in Johannesburg next week, you can hear more from Kevin on the admissibility...

South Korea has agreed to negotiate with North Korea on the reopening of a joint industrial park that was closed in April after rising tensions. The ICC Prosecutor has reported to the UN Security Council on the situation in Darfur. The EU Counter-Terrorism Co-ordinator wants member states to do more to restrict their citizens travelling to Syria to fight with extremist groups. Syrian...

According to French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, forensic examination has shown that the Syrian regime used sarin gas against the rebels. He added that all options are now on the table regarding the response to the situation in Syria. Syrian troops, assisted by Hezbollah militia, have seized control of the strategic city of Qusair. The US International Trade Commission has sided with Samsung in its ongoing...

Sixty-three states have signed the UN Arms Trade Treaty on the first day that is was open for signature, and at least three more are expected to do so in the next few days. The US will ratify once all official translations have been completed. The head of the IAEA has expressed his frustration about the lack of progress in nuclear...

Pfc Bradley Manning's trial over his whistleblowing to WikiLeaks finally starts today. Anti-government protests in Turkey have reached their fourth day. Foreign Policy Blog asks how democratic Turkey is. The UN Arms Trade Treaty opens for signature today in a ceremony at the UN Headquarters. Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court has ruled Parliament's upper house to be illegal but stopped short of dissolving it. Palestinian President...

Calls for Papers The T.M.C. Asser Institute has issued a call for submissions of research papers and articles for publication in the online article series of the International Crimes Database, a new database on international crimes that will be launched this year. The International Crimes Database is based on the DomCLIC database, found here. 500-word abstracts and CVs/résumés are due by June 16, 2013. International...

This week on Opinio Juris, we teamed up with SHARES Blog for a symposium on the intersection between the law of the sea and the law of responsibility, introduced here by Kristen. A first series of posts dealt with whaling. Natalie Klein contrasted responsibility regimes on whales and sharks. In his comment, Tim Stephens expressed hope that the ICJ will apply...

This week on Opinio Juris, drone strikes unsurprisingly took center stage. In anticipation of President Obama's speech, Jonathan Horowitz contributed a guest post on their human rights impact and Ken pointed to his new essay arguing the case for drone strikes. Deborah linked to the transcript of the speech here, and pointed to two things she liked about it. Deborah also discussed the White House Fact Sheet on Use...

Calls for Papers The Centre on Human Rights in Conflict is organising a workshop on Law, Faith and Historical Memory to take place in London (Stratford Campus, University of East London) on June, 12. More information is here The University of Wisconsin is inviting internationally acclaimed women scholars and advanced PhD candidates to the second conference on the Creation of International Law: Exploring the International...

This week on Opinio Juris, Kevin was surprised by an unexpected dissenter in Kenya's request to the Security Council to terminate the ICC's Kenya cases. He also analysed whether the ICC has jurisdiction over Israel's attack on the Mavi Marmara and particularly whether the flotilla attack qualifies as a "situation". He followed up with a post asking why the Comoros are represented...