Author: Amrei Müller

[Amrei Müller is an Assistant Professor/Lecturer (Ad Astra Fellow) at University College Dublin, Sutherland School of Law. Dr. Silvia Behrendt is the founder and director of the Global Health Responsibility Agency.] The Intergovernmental Negotiation Body (INB) at the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued the ‘Negotiating Text of the WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (WHO Pandemic Agreement,...

[Dr Silvia Behrendt is currently director of the Global Health Responsibility Agency (GHRA), Salzburg, Austria. She holds a PhD on the International Health Regulations from the University of St. Gallen/Georgetown University Law Center, Washington D.C. and was formerly legal consultant to the IHR Secretariat at WHO. Dr Amrei Müller is an Assistant Professor/Lecturer (Ad Astra Fellow) at University College Dublin, Sutherland School of Law. She holds...