Author: Peggy McGuinness

No sooner had I read Peter's thought-provoking post about transparency in arbitration than I received a link to a complete webcast of this month's arbitration before the Permanent Court of Arbitration between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement/Army over the Abyei region.  This appears to be the first videotape/webcast of an arbitration between a state and...

Professor Ron Slye has a helpful defense of the Koh nomination up at Foreign Policy.  His post includes this very useful description of "transnational legal process" noting, importantly, that TLP is a descriptive theory of how law crosses borders.  Somehow this fact has eluded much of the MSM discussion: All transnationalism does, in a nutshell, is work to describe and understand...

TNR discusses here the circumstances of last Friday's intervention by Palestinian doctor Ashraf El Hagog as a representative of UN Watch.  The Chair of the then-Prep Com, who has since been elected chair of the Durban II conference, is Najjat al-Hajjaji, representing the government of Libya. Readers might recall that Hagog, along with a group of Bulgarian nurses was...

Opinio Juris is pleased to welcome back Professor Dan Bodansky as a guest blogger with us over the next two weeks.  Dan is currently a Visiting Fellow at Oxford University, Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, and his home institution is the University of Georgia Law School where he is the Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Woodruff Professor of...

I pass along the following call for panels from the co-chairs of American Branch of the International Law Association's International Law Weekend 2009. The theme, "Challenges to Transnational Governance," is quite timely.  I encourage OJ readers to submit proposals and to attend what promises to be a great event. On October 22-24, 2009, the American Branch of the International Law Association...

The UN Human Rights Council is holding its 10th session this month in Geneva.  The agenda and program of work are useful guides to the issues under discussion, and the open Council sessions are being aired at this webcast link.  (Tomorrow's session is an all-day plenary on the rights of the child.) All this transparency is a good thing.  And...

Yesterday, the U.S. State Department released the 2008 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices -- colloquially referred to as the Annual Human Rights Report.  As a matter of law, it is a report by the State Department to the United States Congress.  The mandate grew from a requirement of congressional review of foreign assistance to a more comprehensive summary of...

Following our recent switch to a new server, we have also changed our email subscription service at Opinio Juris.  On the lower right toolbar you will find a widget under "register/logon/contact" that will permit you to "sign up for email alerts and updates."  The email service by Feedburner will then give you the option to sign up for an email...

Ever responsive to the needs of our readership, Opinio Juris underwent some minor surgery this weekend, upgrading our server and tweaking a few of our features.   We anticipate that our new server will speed up the blog and eliminate some of the pesky service interruptions we have experienced in the past couple of months.   As you will note, we have...