Search: "traditional knowledge" "intellectual property"

rights key players hold. Intellectual property monopolies are one way to facilitate the involvement of the private sector. However, as we saw in 2020 and 2021 there are other ways to do so using a combination of government refrain and action – advance orders, public sector investment, export controls, even confiscatory levels of compulsory licenses on existing intellectual property rights. Private ordering can be a powerful agent for change however, our collective imagination does not offer many ways to free the power to configure socio-economic relationships from intellectual property rights-led...

...The term was later picked up and further developed by Vandana Shiva, Indian political activist and environmentalist, who described the inner workings of biopiracy as a new form of imperialism, defining it as biocolonialism. According to Shiva, biopiracy “refers to the use of intellectual property systems to legitimize the exclusive ownership and control over biological resources and biological products that have been used over centuries in non-industrialized cultures”. The phenomenon therefore entails a misappropriation of both genetic resources and of the traditional knowledge concerning the use of the resource, which... 2004 and 2006 to 2015 prove the ongoing need to attend to indigenous peoples’ interests. Today, discourses of indigenous peoples rights and their claim for self-determination are found beyond International Human Rights law: topics such as intellectual property rights, control over the exploitation of natural resources, the protection of traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions are on the agenda. Underlying all is the constant debate about a definition and the implementation of indigenous peoples’ rights beyond the Americas, particularly in Asia and Africa. In order to shine a light...