Events and Announcements: 6 October 2024

Events and Announcements: 6 October 2024

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Calls for Papers

*Bilingual* International Law Theme Day: Seminar in Treaty Law & Colloquium — The Law of Treaties and Teleology: On the morning of 21 November 2024, a seminar on treaty law for PhD candidates and young researchers will take place. The seminar will be followed in the afternoon by a public colloquium on the law of treaties at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. The colloquium will bring together professors, diplomats, treaty depositaries, senior international civil servants, and other international law specialists versed in the law of international treaties. Young researchers and PhD Candidates can apply to participate in the seminar by consulting the following call for contributions. Candidates need to apply by 13 October 2024. The Colloquium’s preliminary programme is available here. French version below:

*Bilingue* Journée thématique en droit international : Séminaire en droit des traités & Colloque — Droit des traités et téléologie: Le 21 novembre 2024 en avant-midi aura lieu un séminaire destiné aux doctorants et jeunes chercheurs. À la suite du séminaire, un colloque public sur le droit des traités aura lieu dans l’après-midi à l’Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement de Genève. Le colloque réunira professeurs, diplomates, dépositaires, hauts fonctionnaires internationaux et autres spécialistes du droit international versés dans le droit des traités internationaux. Les jeunes chercheurs et doctorants intéressés peuvent candidater en consultant l’appel à communications ci-joint.  Les intéressés doivent candidater d’ici le 13 octobre 2024. Le programme préliminaire du colloque est également disponible ici.


The Hague Initiative for Law and Armed Conflict [HILAC] Lecture Series: The T.M.C. Asser Instituut is hosting the free HILAC Lecture: “The F-35 Parts Export Case: International Legal Implications” at 19:00 (CET) on 26 November in The Hague, the Netherlands. Register here.

GLAR Ghandi Research Seminars Series 2024-2025: Global Law at Reading (GLAR) is one of the leading groups of expert staff researching and teaching global law at any university in the UK. As Reading’s research hub for public international law, EU law and human rights law it has a proud international reputation for research excellence in these areas. The series was launched in 2015. It is named in honour of Professor Sandy Ghandhi, who taught at the School of Law from 1978 to 2013 and remains an emeritus professor at Reading. This year, most seminars will take place in person at the University of Reading Whiteknights campus, in a hybrid format so that attendees can also join in via MS Teams (all times are UK local time).

18 October: Professor Ronald Krotoszynski (University of Alabama) 12:00-13:00, ‘Free Speech as Civic Structure: A Comparative Analysis of How Courts and Culture Shape the Freedom of Speech’, In person in HBS G14 or via Teams here

30 October: Professor Diane Marie Amann (University of Georgia) 12:00-13:00, ‘Child-Taking: Unlawful Transfer plus Identity Alteration, in Ukraine and Beyond’, In person in Palmer 103 or via Teams here

7 November: Professor Angioletta Sperti (University of Pisa) 11:30-13:00, ‘Constitutional Courts, Media and Public Opinion’, In person in Palmer 111 or via Teams here

14 November: Professor Steven Haines (University of Greenwich) 15:00-16:00, ‘The end of the ‘Grotian Era’ – from Mare Liberum to Mare Legitimum…. Free Seas to Safe, Secure and Lawful Seas’, In person in Palmer G01 or via Teams here

In Semester 2 we will welcome Professor Nazila Ghanea (University of Oxford), Professor Frédéric Mégret (McGill University), Katherine Reece-Thomas (City, University of London), Dr Justina Uriburu (University of Manchester) and Professor Gregory Fox (Wayne State University).

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Announcements, Calls for Papers, Events

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