Events and Announcements: 8 September 2024

Events and Announcements: 8 September 2024

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Calls for Papers

Workshop: How and Why Do Double Standards Matter for International Law?: The upcoming event, “How and Why Do Double Standards Matter for International Law?” will be held from May 15-17, 2025, at the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. This workshop aims to explore how double standards in international law—where states, organizations, and non-state actors act contrary to their professed commitments to principles like accountability and human rights—affect the credibility, legitimacy, and efficacy of the legal system. Building on discussions from a previous event in Berlin, this conference will delve into the role of double standards in diplomatic discourse, legal arguments, and international governance. It seeks to critically assess whether double standards serve any constructive function and how they intersect with broader concepts such as fairness, justice, and the rule of law. The workshop will feature contributions from both practitioners and academics and aims to produce an edited volume that deepens the scholarly and practical understanding of these issues. The conference is co-organized by the International Law Department of the Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in collaboration with the Harvard Law School Program on International Law in Armed Conflict and the Swiss National Science Foundation. Information about submissions can be found here.


‘Migrating Fears’ Film Premiere: On 30 September at 18:30 UK time, preceded by a short speech from the Immigration Services Commissioner, Brunel University London is screening Solon Solomon’s film ‘Migrating Fears’ about the feelings around migration. The film engages the findings of a law professor through his London interactions and interviews with refugees, politicians, legal experts, NGOs and psychologists. Click on this link for free registration and more information.

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