Events and Announcements: 16 June 2024

Events and Announcements: 16 June 2024

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Calls for Papers

100 Years of Lotus: The Lotus Project is inviting reflections on the legacy of the Lotus Case and the principle it stands for. The aim is to discuss the historical significance of the case, assess the impact it had on the theory and practice of international law and to consider its contemporary importance. An inaugural workshop will be held in Lund/online on 9-10 January 2025; additional events are planned to take place in Marseille (the Lotus homeport), Istanbul (the site of the Turkish domestic proceedings) and The Hague (seat of the PCIJ). Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted to Valentin Jeutner at by 4 October 2024. More information about the project and the call can be found here.

Western Sahara Research Group Third Annual Conference: The Third Annual Conference of the Western Sahara Research Group is sponsored by the Centre for European and International Legal Affairs and will be held on 11 September 2024 at Queen Mary, University of London

The Conference is open to senior and junior scholars, as well as practitioners and members of International Organisations (and NGOs) working in the areas of public international law and/or European Union law. The Organisers invite such persons wishing to participate in the 2024 Conference to submit a paper abstract or summary (maximum 500 words) addressing for one or more of the themes identified here. Conference paper abstracts must be sent via email to Stephen Allen accompanied by a working title and four key words by 19 July 2024. The Organisers will review submitted paper abstracts as part of the selection process and applicants will be contacted shortly thereafter. 

The Research Group is currently editing a collection of essays entitled Western Sahara and International Law: Fifty Years after the ICJ Advisory Opinion (Brill, 2025). The book’s publication is planned to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of the ICJ’s Western Sahara Advisory Opinion. Contributors to the 2024 Conference – along with participants from the Group’s earlier annual conferences – are invited to submit full papers for consideration in connection with this publishing project. 

Critical Approaches to European Human Rights Law: Hertie School Centre for Fundamental Rights invites abstract submissions on “Critical Approaches to European Human Rights Law.” Papers will be presented at a research workshop on 17 January 2025 at Hertie School in Berlin. The workshop aims to provide a forum for critical reflection on the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). The deadline for abstract submission is 8 July 2024. For more information, see here.

Call for Papers – International Criminal Law Review: The International Criminal Law Review, edited by Caroline Fournet, emphasizes the need for a unified international criminal law, bridging common and civil law systems. It calls for harmonization in legal practices and deeper research in criminology, sociology, and history. For more information visit our website.

The editors of the International Criminal Law Review are very pleased to issue a general call for papers for Volumes 24 and 25 (2024-2025). Articles should offer an in-depth exploration of international criminal law and justice, understood in a broad, multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary way. The analysis may thus cover: the substantive and procedural law on the international level; landmark domestic cases which have an impact on international criminal law and justice; criminological, sociological, and historical aspects of international crimes and international criminal law and justice.

Online submission: Articles for publication in International Criminal Law Review can be submitted online through Editorial Manager, please click here. Please direct any queries to the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Caroline Fournet:

International Business Law Roundtable: The Dennis J. Block Center for the Study of International Business Law at Brooklyn Law School is organizing a Roundtable in International Business Law. The Roundtable will take place on September 27, and proposals are due by June 28. The call is here.

Canadian Yearbook of International Law – Special Issue on “Canada before International Courts and Tribunals”: The Canadian Yearbook of International Law would like to solicit articles (in French or English) for publication in a Special Issue on “Canada before International Courts and Tribunals”. Articles by early and mid-career scholars are particularly welcome. Topics to be addressed as part of the Special Issue include but are not limited to aspects of substance and procedure relating to past and present proceedings involving Canada before international courts and tribunals. Prospective authors are invited to submit an abstract of up to 500 words by 30 June 2024 to Subject to favourable peer-review, articles submitted as part of the Special Issue will appear in Volume 62 of the Yearbook in 2025. For more information, click here.


Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Role of Strategic Litigation in Affecting Social Change: Utrecht University, 17 June 2024, for more information, click here.

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