13 Jul Notice of Retraction
We regret to inform our readers that we have had to remove a post entitled “Legality of Extraterritorial Coercive Economic Measures Taken Against Russia from the Lens of International Trade Law” and published on our site in September 2022. It has recently come to our attention (and has been conceded by the author submitting that piece) that the post was translated and reproduced in substantial part from the piece “Considerazioni Sulle Misure Coercitive Adottate Nei Confronti Della Federazione Russa E Della Bielorussia Alla Luce Del Diritto Del Commercio Internazionale”, authored by Domenico Pauciulo and published on the SIDI blog in March 2022.
Opinio Juris has taken swift action to remedy this issue. The post has been removed and this retraction statement has been issued on our website and on twitter. We have also notified the author’s university and removed another post published by the author on our website.
We at Opinio Juris strongly condemn the practice of academic plagiarism and caution all prospective contributors that we will take serious action against any author found to have submitted plagiarised works to the website. If you are a student or an academic, we may notify your university or institution, who may take further disciplinary action against you. You may also risk legal action from the author of the original work and/or any original publisher. Opinio Juris may also permanently ban you from future publication on our website, which will further serve as a permanent and public record of your academic misconduct.
We are extremely proud at Opinio Juris of providing publication opportunities for first time authors and contributors from around the world. However, as a team staffed mainly by volunteers, we are constrained in our ability to review every submission that we receive for potential plagiarism. We would therefore encourage our readership to alert our editorial team about any suspicious works at opiniojurisblog@gmail.com.
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