Events and Announcements: 26 February 2023

Events and Announcements: 26 February 2023


Hello Opinio Juris readers! This is a reminder that any submissions for events or announcements may be sent to When submitting, please include a brief (one to two paragraph) description in text format (no flyers) of the event along with a link to more information–this policy can also be found on our submissions page. Thank you and we look forward to receiving your events and announcements!


Confronting Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan through International Law (American Society of International Law): Since they returned to power in August 2021, the Taliban have erased two decades of progress for women and girls, and are again imposing a regime of gender apartheid in Afghanistan in violation of international law, just as they did in the 1990s. Gender apartheid is a system of governance, based on laws and/or policies, which imposes systematic segregation of women and men, and may also systematically exclude women from public spaces and spheres. Through law and policy, the Taliban are depriving women of the freedom of movement, access to health care, access to justice, the right to participate in government, to work, to education, to freedom of expression, to freedom of assembly, to freedom from violence, and more. 

Given this worsening crisis, the gender apartheid approach is increasingly endorsed and used by many Afghan women human rights defenders at the forefront of challenging Taliban practices as the international community fails to offer a robust response. This panel will serve as a platform for the voices of these Afghan women so that their direct experiences are incorporated into a discussion and analysis of these issues. It will be held online on Wednesday 8 March 2023 at 12-1:30 pm ET. For more information, click here.

International Law is Already Otherwise: Digital Interfaces of Relation and the Politics of “Innovation” in Humanitarian Practice (Center for Transnational Legal Studies London): This lecture by Professor Fleur Johns will take place in person in London on 22 March 2023 at 6pm GMT. A reception with wine and soft drinks will follow. For more information and to register, click here.

Book Talk: Reunion: Finding the Disappeared Children of El Salvador: The Human Rights Center and the Joint Medical Program at UC Berkeley are co-sponsoring this virtual book talk with Dr Elizabeth Barnert, highlighting her new book by the same name. In 2005, Barnert traveled to El Salvador as a medical and public health student and a Human Rights Center student fellow to collect interviews and DNA samples for reuniting families forcibly separated during the Salvadoran Civil War. Based on fifteen years of interviews and field notes, Reunion chronicles families’ experiences with military attacks, child disappearances, family separations, joyful reunions, and arduous processes of reintegration. The talk will take place on 2 March 2023 at 11:10am-12pm PT. To register, click here.

Calls for Applications

American Society of International Law: The American Society of International Law is looking for a Director of Programs and a Director of Finance and Administration. The Director of Programs is responsible for the oversight of the Society’s Programs Department, including major conferences, educational programming, substantive Interest Group activities, international organization engagement, and international law career training. The Director of Finance and Administration leads all aspects of the Society’s financial and human resources operations and oversees its general administrative operations, in partnership with the Executive Director. Both positions are full-time. The details of both positions can be found here.

The American Society of International Law is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, educational membership organization founded in 1906 and chartered by Congress in 1950. ASIL holds Category II Consultative Status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and is a constituent society of the American Council of Learned Societies. The Society is headquartered at Tillar House in Washington, D.C. The mission of ASIL is to foster the study of international law and to promote the establishment and maintenance of international relations on the basis of law and justice.

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