Surprise Hearing in Haiti Cholera Case Appeal

Surprise Hearing in Haiti Cholera Case Appeal

In a surprise announcement late last week, the Second Circuit granted a hearing in the Haiti Cholera Case.  The hearing will take place tomorrow, and the lawyers will have had only 4 days to prepare.    While no reasons were given as to why the hearing was granted so suddenly, the speculation is that upon reading the papers, at least one or more judges decided a hearing was warranted.

If you are in New York on March 1, and want to attend the hearing here are the details:

What: Second Circuit appeals hearing in Georges v. United Nations.

When: Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 2pm

Where: Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse 17th Floor, Room 1703 40 Foley Square New York, New York 10007

Each side will be granted 10 minutes.

As soon as a transcript is available, I will post it on OJ.

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