Events and Announcements: February 14, 2016

Events and Announcements: February 14, 2016


  • Conflict Dynamics International presents a new tool for national judicial actors and others working on accountability for children in armed conflict: Anti-Impunity Tool: Guidance for investigating and prosecuting serious violations against children in armed conflict. This user-friendly tool provides concrete guidance and tips for investigating and prosecuting serious violations against children in armed conflict, such as recruitment and use of children by armed actors and attacks on schools. In addition, the Tool includes guidance on outreach to affected children and communities and on involving child protection actors and child victims/survivors in judicial processes. An annex features an example of a domestic legal and procedural framework, using the Democratic Republic of the Congo as a case study. The Tool is available in English and French hereConflict Dynamics International’s Children and Armed Conflict (CAC) Accountability Initiative promotes timely and effective accountability for serious violations of international law committed against children in armed conflict. For more information about the Initiative, please visit the website here.
  • The ICRC is offering an upcoming IHL course that will take place in April on the island of Gorée, Senegal. For more information (in French) please see the website here
  • Max Planck Group Leader in Bogotá, Colombia: The Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg) and Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) are looking to hire a Principal Investigator to lead a newly established Max Planck Tandem Group in Transformations of Public Law. Other than research, responsibilities include supervision of two doctoral students at Universidad de Los Andes. There is no mandatory teaching load. The Group will be located in Bogotá, and the Leader will be expected to reside in that city. The initiative will provide funding for at least one extended research stay per year of the Group at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law. Additional information may be found here. The deadline for applications is May 15th, 2016.

Calls for Papers

  • The faculty of Law, University of Turku, is organizing a workshop on changing notions of international legal personality in Turku, Finland on 12-13 May 2016. Deployed from a theoretical perspective, the Persons/Things workshop asks why our moral and legal commitment to persons differs greatly from that towards things. In recent years, this bifurcation has been called into question in many instances, whether by religious corporations or copyright owning apes. It is in this changed world the Persons/Things workshop seeks to explore the present and the past of classic Roman law persona/res distinction. Are challenges of the present world unheard of are they simple re-enactments of the past debates held over slaves and women? Or could there be something genuinely new in the seeming porosity of the border between things and persons? Abstracts are to be submitted by 1 March 2016. Further details of the call can be found on the Faculty’s website. PhD candidates and junior faculty are particularly encouraged to apply.


  • “The Future of Arbitration in Africa” will be the subject of a daylong conference to be held in Washington, DC on Friday, March 11, 2016.  The conference is cosponsored by the American Society of International Law, Penn State University, and Greenberg Traurig LLP.  The program brings together expert practitioners and law professors from around the world to discuss recent developments and the important trends and challenges that will animate the future of international arbitration in Africa.  The daylong program will include four panel discussions: The Legacy of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission; The Institutions and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration in Africa; Structural Challenges for Dispute Resolution in Africa: Culture, Diversity, and Development; and Foreign Investment and Investment Arbitration in Africa.  Registration is required.  Seats are limited so early registration is suggested. For more details, or to register, visit this website.
  • On 11 March 2016 the FRAME workshop ´A global force for human rights? Assessing the EU´s comprehensive approach to human rights in crisis management and conflict´ will take place at the Law School of the University of Seville, in Seville (Spain), from 9 am to 7 pm. The workshop will consist of a keynote speech and two panels. The keynote speech is entitled “A Global Force for Human Rights? Preliminary Findings from the FRAME Project” by Prof. Dr. Jan Wouters. The first panel will deal with the applicable regulatory frameworks regarding human rights violations in conflicts and the protection of vulnerable groups. The second panel will discuss the integration of human rights and international Humanitarian Law (IHL) and democracy/rule of law principles and tools into the Common Security and Defence  Policy (CSDP) and missions and evaluating their impact on vulnerable groups. Speakers include Prof. Dr. Gerd Oberleitner, University of Graz/ETC Graz; Prof. Dr. Francesco Seatzu, University of Cagliari; Dr. Mikaela Heikkilä, Åbo Akademi University; Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Salmón, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú; Prof. Dr. Cristina Churruca, University of Deusto; Ms. Ines Thevarajah, Human Rights Focal Point at the CPCC (EEAS); and Mr. Gabino Regalado de los Cobos, Colonel, EUTM Mali. The provisional programme is here. It takes place 11 March 2016, from 9 am to 7 pm at the Law School, University of Sevilla, Av. Enramadilla 18-20, Seville (Spain). If you would like to attend the workshop, please register with Laura Iñigo via

Our previous events and announcements post can be found here. If you would like to post an announcement on Opinio Juris, please contact us with a one-paragraph description of your announcement along with hyperlinks to more information.

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