Events and Announcements: June 14, 2015

Events and Announcements: June 14, 2015


  • Registration is now open for the 11th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law to be held at the University of Oslo on 10 – 12 September 2015. The conference theme is: The Judicialization of International Law – A Mixed BlessingConference highlights include:
    • A Keynote Panel on A Turn to the Rule of Law in International Politics: The Role of the International Judiciary with James Crawford and Martti Koskenniemi
    • Agorae focusing on current events: International Law and the Fight against ISIS; The Accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights; The Situation in Ukraine
    • A closing lecture on Developments in Geopolitics – The End(s) of Judicialization? by Philippe Sands
    • A reception at Astrup Fearnley, museum of contemporary art, and a conference dinner at the Hotel Continental in the city center of Oslo

    The draft programme of the conference and details of how to register for the event are available on the conference website. There are still various possibilities for sponsoring the event. For information about sponsorship possibilities please contact the organizing committee at

  • On Thursday 17 September 2015, the Otto-Riese Memorial Lecture by UNCTAD Secretary-General will take place in Lausanne Switzerland – Dorigny. Mukhisa Kituyi, of Kenya, who became UNCTAD’s seventh Secretary-General on 1 September 2013, will deliver the Otto-Riese-Memorial Lecture on Thursday 17 September 2015 at 17:15 at the Opening Ceremony of the LLM Programme in International and European Economic and Commercial Law (MAS) of the University of Lausanne. He has an extensive background as an elected official, an academic, and a holder of high government office. He also has wide-ranging experience in trade negotiations, and in African and broader international economics and diplomacy. Prof. Andreas R. Ziegler, Director of the LLM Programme is proud and happy that the Secretary General has accepted his invitation. The programme organizes a lecture series in honour of Otto Riese. Otto Riese (1894-1977) was a professor and Dean at the University of Lausanne Law School who became the first German judge at the European Court of Justice.
  • On Friday 18 September 2015 (9:00 – 17:00) a workshop entitled Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements: Curse or Blessing? will take place, hosted by the Study Group on Preferential Trade and Investment Agreements (PTIAs) of the International Law Association (ILA) with presentations by its members at the University of Lausanne. It is a one-day event though an opening reception is held on Thursday evening 17 September 17:30 with a guest lecture by the UNCTAD Secretary General Mukhisa Kituyi followed by a reception. Sign up from  09.06.15  to  28.08.15 The event is open to the public and pre-registration is open now (E: The event is co-organized by the LLM Programme in International and European Economic and Commercial Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Lausanne together with the Swiss Branch of the ILA and the Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS). The event is free for students and ILA Members (of any branch). All others pay 150 CHF or can alternatively join any ILA branch. In order to join the Swiss branch of the ILA now (including free membership for the rest of 2015, 100 CHF per year from 2016) contact E:

Our previous events and announcements post can be found here. If you would like to post an announcement on Opinio Juris, please contact us with a one-paragraph description of your announcement along with hyperlinks to more information.

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