Events and Announcements: November 3, 2013

Events and Announcements: November 3, 2013

  • The Association of Defence Counsel at the ICTY is organising a Conference on November 29 at the Bel-Air hotel in The Hague on the Legacy of the ICTY from the perspective of the Defence function. More information is here.
  • The ASIL’s International Legal Theory Interest Group and Cornell Law School are organizing an event on the Theoretical Boundaries of Armed Conflict and Human Rights, this Friday November 8, at ASIL’s Tillar House (2223 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, D.C.). The programme is here.
  • ASIL’s Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict is sponsoring a panel discussion about the Court-Martial of U.S. Army Sgt. Bales for the murder of 16 Afghan civilians.  The event, entitled “Military Justice, International Criminal Accountability and Cross-Cultural Contexts: U.S. v. Bales,” will be held at Tillar House (2223 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, D.C.) on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 at 5:30 p.m.  The case presents a unique opportunity to explore the challenges in both investigating and prosecuting a case involving crimes in a remote area of a war zone, differing cultural perceptions of accountability and justice, and the relationship between military justice and international criminal justice.  Speakers include Lt. Col Jay Morse (Chief of the U.S. Army’s Counsel Assistance Program and lead Prosecutor in the Bales case), Morwari Zafar (Afghanistan Subject Matter Expert at the Defense Intelligence Agency), and Sandra Hodgkinson (Vice President and Chief of Staff of DRS Technologies).  This event is free for ASIL members. Further information is here.
  • The 13th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS) is an opportunity for academics, practitioners and consultants from Europe and elsewhere involved in the study, management, development and implementation of systems and concepts to combat cyber warfare or to improve IS security to come together and exchange ideas. There are several strong strands of research and interest that are developing in the area including the understanding of threats and risks to information systems, the development of a strong security culture, as well as incident detection and post incident investigation. This conference is continuing to establish itself as an important event for individuals working in the field from around the world. Key themes of the conference in 2014 include critical infrastructure protection, cyber intelligence-cyber counterintelligence, PsyOPS, data mining and data fusion applications and malware and antimalware technologies and digital forensics. The conference is hosted by the University of Pireaus, Greece on July 3-4, 2014. See here for further information.

Last week’s events and announcements can be found here. If you would like to post an announcement on Opinio Juris, please contact us.

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