Events and Announcements: October 6, 2013

Events and Announcements: October 6, 2013


  • The Centre for Asian Legal Studies at the Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore, will be hosting the conference — Trials for International Crimes in Asia — on October 17-18, 2013. This will examine the legal issues arising from the tribunals convened in Asia to deal with crimes of international import – namely, aggression, war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity. It will consider both tribunals that have been established on the initiative of Asian governments and tribunals mounted in Asia at the behest of non-Asian governments or international organisations. In keeping with the legal theme, it will lay particular stress on the different modes of liability developed within these courts’ respective jurisdictions – among them, joint criminal enterprise, command responsibility, complicity, and defences against them. For the programme and registration details, please visit the conference webpage.

Calls for Papers

  • The Indonesian Journal of International and Comparative Law is looking for manuscripts for their inaugural volume which will be published in 2014. More information is here.
  • A group of students at Brandeis University, with support from the International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life are launching a new journal to explore questions of international peace and justice from an interdisciplinary perspective. For our inaugural issue, they are asking for abstracts that address the question: What is global justice, how does it work, and why is it important? They are looking for abstracts from fields as varied as psychology, anthropology, sociology, political science, economics, and history, as well as other disciplines. They are primarily seeking abstracts (300-500 words) from undergraduates and early-career graduate  students, but will accept a submission from anyone. Please email your submissions or any questions to Anastasia Austin and David Benger by Friday, November 8th.


Last week’s events and announcements can be found here. If you would like to post an announcement on Opinio Juris, please contact us.

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