Weekday News Wrap: Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Weekday News Wrap: Wednesday, June 5, 2013

  • According to French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, forensic examination has shown that the Syrian regime used sarin gas against the rebels. He added that all options are now on the table regarding the response to the situation in Syria.
  • Syrian troops, assisted by Hezbollah militia, have seized control of the strategic city of Qusair.
  • The US International Trade Commission has sided with Samsung in its ongoing patent fight against Apple; this could see certain types of iPads and iPhones banned from import and sale in the US.
  • An Egyptian court has handed out prison sentences of up to five years to 43 pro-democracy NGO workers, including 16 Americans.
  • Environmental NGOs have released a report accusing Joseph Kony and his militia of poaching elephants for cash and have called upon governments, particularly in Asia, to do more to combat the illegal trade in ivory.
  • The EU Trade Commissioner, Karel De Gucht, has imposed a 12% import duty on Chinese solar panel products that will increase to an average of 47% unless a solution is negotiated within 60 days. China has already responded by announcing an investigation into EU wine trading subsidies.
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